
Homegrown Hydroponics Project Spreads Around the World

UConn Today – Heiden started the non-profit organization Levo International in his freshman year at UConn to bring hydroponics to those in need in both Haiti and in Connecticut. He soon reached out to Jonathan Moore, an instructor at the operations and information management department (OPIM) in the School of Business.

xCITE Conference: Bolster Women Entrepreneurs by Starting Younger

xCITE 2019 Keynote Speaker Cristal Glangchai (Zack Wussow/Zack Wussow Media)
xCITE 2019 Keynote Speaker Cristal Glangchai (Zack Wussow/Zack Wussow Media)

When Cristal Glangchai asked a 5-year-old girl if there was a problem in her life that she would like to solve, the youngster said she was tired of getting scolded for eating Play-Doh. Continue Reading

CABA Partners with Capital Community College to Boost Student Retention

Pictured above, Yuly Susaya from UConn’s MSBAPM Program.  Graduate Students from UConn’s CABA shared data analysis with Captial Community College to bolster their student retention rates. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)
Pictured above, Yuly Susaya from UConn’s MSBAPM Program. Graduate Students from UConn’s CABA shared data analysis with Captial Community College to bolster their student retention rates. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)

G. Duncan Harris, Interim CEO at Capital Community College, and his team, know the strengths and the struggles that many of their 3,300 students face on the path toward achieving their degrees.Continue Reading

UConn-grown Startups, Programs Recognized at Entrepreneurship Awards

CCEI, Accelerate UConn, Jennifer Murphy, and Get Seeded were recognized with honorable mentions. (Contributed Photo)
CCEI, Accelerate UConn, Jennifer Murphy, and Get Seeded were recognized with honorable mentions. (Contributed Photo)

UConn collected numerous awards this week at the CT Entrepreneur Awards, which identify, recognize and celebrate Connecticut’s leading entrepreneurs, ventures and ecosystem supporters. Jennifer Murphy, program manager for the School of Business’ Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (CCEI) received recognition as a community builder. In addition, the university was recognized for CCEI, as well as its Get Seeded and Accelerate UConn programs. Three UConn-grown startups, QRFertile, Encapsulate and VigorSential also were honored.
QRFertile, Encapsulate, and VigorSential, all UConn-grown startups, received awards. (Contributed Photo)
QRFertile, Encapsulate, and VigorSential, all UConn-grown startups, received awards. (Contributed Photo)