The Academy of Management has awarded a prestigious dissertation award to UConn Ph.D. alumna Semin Park ’19 for her research about friendships and conflicts among future paramedics participating in a mock emergency drill.Continue Reading
The Academy of Management has awarded a prestigious dissertation award to UConn Ph.D. alumna Semin Park ’19 for her research about friendships and conflicts among future paramedics participating in a mock emergency drill.Continue Reading
When entrepreneur Peter J. Werth pledged more than $22 million to the University of Connecticut last winter, for the creation of the Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, a new chapter was written in UConn’s history.Continue Reading
If 2017 didn’t turn out exactly how you’d hoped or planned, don’t give up!
Many Americans are strong believers in a ‘fresh start,’ reports Professor Robin Coulter, the head of the UConn School of Business Marketing Department. Continue Reading
Nursing homes may be inflating their self-assessments in an effort to improve their Medicare star ratings, according to a new study by UConn OPIM professors Niam Yaraghi and Ram Gopal and their colleague, Xu Han ’17 Ph.D. Continue Reading
An expert in terror analytics, a marketer who worked for NBC, Pepsi and Disney, and a champion of the volunteer income tax program at UConn are among the newest faculty at the School of Business. Continue Reading
In describing the UConn School of Business at this moment, 76 years into its accomplished history, the word “engaged” captures the essence. Our students, faculty and staff are engaged with each other, with our alumni, with the corporate community and with the University.
The School’s growth has been extraordinary, both in terms of enrollment and creating and maintaining vibrant, effective and relevant academic programs. We are transforming the future—of our students, our state, our industries and our world. There is much to celebrate.
We invite you to read the 2016 Dean’s Annual Report.
Alumna Margaret Luciano ’15 Ph.D. Continues to Win Recognition for Research
Margaret Luciano ’15 Ph.D. (management) was recently awarded the J. Richard Hackman Award for her Ph.D. dissertation. The award is given to a recent graduate whose work shows the greatest potential to advance the understanding of groups beyond one discipline.
Luciano’s dissertation, “Unpacking the Dynamics of Cross-Unit Coordination: A Multi-Level Quasi-Experimental Investigation,” studied 2,357 hospital-patient transfers between units over a 16-week period and investigated the implications for patient care.
She received the Hackman Award at the 2016 INGRoup conference in Helsinki, Finland in July. Her adviser, UConn Management Professor John Mathieu, was also in attendance.
At the award ceremony, Luciano’s dissertation was described as “theoretically sophisticated and interesting, methodologically rich and analytically eloquent.” Her research improved the work processes and quality of work life for hospital employees, improved patient quality of care and paid dividends to the hospital, the award committee concluded. “She not only advanced our science, but also our practice,” they said.
Luciano is now an assistant professor of management at Arizona State University.
An undergraduate who worked to improve bachelor-degree programs, an MBA student who helped his colleagues make new business contacts, and a Ph.D. student with award-winning research were the three student inductees into the School of Business Hall of Fame on May 6.Continue Reading
When pricing is being discussed for IPOs, are underwriters overlooking important financial information that could more accurately reflect the value of a start-up’s publicly offered stock?Continue Reading