Girish Punj

Common Coronavirus Claims: Don’t Be Fooled

Psychology Today – There is nothing that raises the panic meter in quite the same way as staring at empty store shelves where hand sanitizer, surgical masks, and even paper goods used to be. Many consumers immediately whip out their iPhones to order onlineโ€”only to discover empty virtual shelves as wellโ€”at least when it comes to reputable, credible products, with recognizable name identification.

Which Wine Should I Try?

Red Wine | Which Wine to Choose

Startup VineSleuth Paired with UConn Grad Students to Revolutionize Wine Selection

Here’s a toast: To a team of ambitious, hardworking UConn graduate students, whose research helped grow a revolutionary wine-selection company.

Surprisingly, the students in Marketing Professor Girish Punj’s ‘Big Data & Strategic Marketing’ class were able to “uncork” the answers they needed, without a drop of wine dancing on their tongues. Continue Reading

IBM Expands Data Discovery and Q&A Power of Watson Analytics

PR Newswire- Today IBM (NYSE: IBM) introduced new data discovery and question-and-answer capabilities for Watson Analytics that will make it even easier for users to extract insights from their data. IBM also announced widespread adoption, with half a million professionals registering for this groundbreaking data exploration and visualization service since its introduction less than a year ago.

…[The] University of Connecticut [School of Business] is integrating Watson Analytics into several MBA courses taught by Professor Girish Punj, including “Digital Marketing” and “Big Data and Strategy Marketing” classes, to teach future marketing professionals how to analyze data without the help of a data scientist.

Marketing Faculty Accomplishments – Spring 2015

Mary Caravella
Mary Caravella received awards for Top Marketing Professor – PMBA and Outstanding Contribution to the MBA Program.

Robin Coulter
Robin Coulter was named as an inaugural Brands and Brand Relationships Institute Fellow and Voya Financial Fellow in Marketing.Continue Reading

Ackerman Faculty Scholars Announced

Five faculty members from the School of Business have been named Ackerman Scholars for academic years 2015-2017. They are: John Phillips of Accounting, Rex Santerre of Finance, Greg Reilly of Management, Girish Punj of Marketing and Bob Day of Operations and Information Management (OPIM).

Continuing from last year, for academic year 2015-2016, are: Qing Cao and Gary Powell of Management and Xue Bai, Jose Cruz and Suresh Nair of OPIM.

The Ackerman Scholar award recognizes significant and continuing all-round academic productivity among the faculty of the School, said Sulin Ba, associate dean of academic and research support. It is awarded to faculty who are not already supported by endowed chair, professorship, scholarship or fellowship appointments. The award is supported by the Ackerman Fund, the School of Business and the departments.


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The Relationship between Consumer Characteristics and Willingness to Pay for General Online Content: Implications for Content Providers Considering Subscription-based Business Models

Marketing Letters (forthcoming)

Girish N. Punj.

โ€œPeople hate, hate, hate to subscribe to things on the Internetโ€ (Bill Gates, 2005)

Over the past decade, there has been a substantial increase in the demand for online content, but there has been little change in consumersโ€™ willingness to pay for it.Continue Reading

2014 Marketing Faculty Awards

  • Nicholas Lurie, associate professor of marketing, received the School of Business 2014 Best Paper Award for hisย Journal of Marketing Research article, โ€œTemporal Contiguity and Negativity Bias in the Impact of Online Word of Mouth,โ€ co-authored with Zoey Chen, University of Miami.
  • Bill Ross, Voya Financialย Global Chair and professor of marketing, ย and coauthors Hang Thu Nguyen, Michigan State University, and Joseph Golec, University of Connecticut, received the Best Paper Award in the Branding Track at the 2014 American Marketing Association Winter Educators Conference for their paper titled, Acquisition Value Creation: The Role of Marketing Relationships in Uncertain Environments.
  • Girish Punj, professor of marketing, received the School of Business Graduate Teaching Award.

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IBM Partners with UConn, Other Institutions to Prepare Students for Big Data Jobs

(6/12/2014) – 4.4 million jobs will be created worldwide to support big data by 2015, according to a Gartner press release on key issues facing the IT industry.

To prepare students for big data careers, the UConn School of Business offers graduate and undergraduate degree programs in business analytics that focus on data management, analytics, and using emerging technologies to better manage financial risk and other business needs.Continue Reading