David Souder

Six Faculty Earn Promotions: ‘I Was Fortunate to Find Amazing Colleagues and Scholars at UConn’

(Peter Morenus / UConn)
(Peter Morenus / UConn)

Six faculty members at the School of Business have earned promotions, with several citing their colleagues as being instrumental in their success.
“We have a truly outstanding group of faculty promoted to the rank of associate and full professor,” said Lucy Gilson, Associate Dean of Faculty and Outreach. “Every one of these newly promoted faculty excels in the classroom and is committed to their students. They have all made valuable research contributions and been willing to share their business expertise both inside and outside of the classroom.” Continue Reading

UConn-Backed MedTech Accelerator Advances 10 Powerful Startups; ‘These Companies Will Absolutely Change Lives’

Armin Tahmasbi Rad, co-founder and CEO of Encapsulate
Armin Tahmasbi Rad, co-founder and CEO of Encapsulate (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)

The excitement was palpable Monday night as 10 health care startups, including two that are UConn-grown, shared their medical technology innovations that promise unique solutions for some of medicine’s most vexing problems.Continue Reading

Two Veteran Professors Promoted to Associate Business Deans

Jose M. Cruz (left) and Lucy Gilson (right) have been named associate deans in the UConn School of Business.  Gilson has taken on the mantle of associate dean for faculty and outreach, while Cruz is now the associate dean for graduate programs. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)
Jose M. Cruz (left) and Lucy Gilson (right) have been named associate deans in the UConn School of Business. Gilson has taken on the mantle of associate dean for faculty and outreach, while Cruz is now the associate dean for graduate programs. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)

The School of Business has announced the appointment of Professors Lucy Gilson and Jose M. Cruz as new associate deans. They join Professor Bob Day in rounding out the three-person team reporting to Interim Dean David Souder.Continue Reading

New Finance Chair Yiming Qian Is Among Nation’s Top Researchers

Yiming Qian, pictured above, is the first faculty member to hold an endowed chair in the Finance Department (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business).
Yiming Qian, pictured above, is the first faculty member to hold an endowed chair in the Finance Department (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business).

Those unfamiliar with the finance discipline sometimes underestimate the tremendous good that analysts and investors bring to the world, said Yiming Qian, who has just joined the faculty as a full professor and holds the new position of Toscano Family Chair in Finance.Continue Reading

New Business School Faculty for 2019

Top row, left to right: Yiming Qian (Finance), Miao Bai (OPIM), Nina Xu (Accounting).  Bottom row, left to right: Stefan Hock (Marketing), Chen Liang (OPIM), Weining Bao (Marketing). (UConn School of Business)
Top row, left to right: Yiming Qian (Finance), Miao Bai (OPIM), Nina Xu (Accounting). Bottom row, left to right: Stefan Hock (Marketing), Chen Liang (OPIM), Weining Bao (Marketing). (UConn School of Business)

The School of Business is welcoming 10 new faculty members this fall, including Yiming Qian, a full professor, who will chair the new Toscano Family Chair in Finance. Continue Reading

CCEI’s 2019 Entrepreneurship Summer Fellowship Champs

Left to right: Michelle Chao, Michael Martin, and Nicolas Myers, of Phoenix Tailings.  Emily Yale, of Land Maverick.  Christian Heiden, of Levo International.  Derek Hargrove, and Xiuling Yu, of Nami Therapeutics.  Brendan MacIntyre, and Nikolas Franceschi-Hofmann, of Geyser Remediation. (Evan Olson - UConn School of Business)
Left to right: Michelle Chao, Michael Martin, and Nicolas Myers, of Phoenix Tailings. Emily Yale, of Land Maverick. Christian Heiden, of Levo International. Derek Hargrove, and Xiuling Yu, of Nami Therapeutics. Brendan MacIntyre, and Nikolas Franceschi-Hofmann, of Geyser Remediation. (Evan Olson – UConn School of Business)

The startups at this yearโ€™s CCEI Summer Fellowship Finale presented vastly different entrepreneurial ideas, but all were united by a common, altruistic thread.Continue Reading

UConn Grabs Second-Place In Sustainability Case Competition


The 2019 MBA Sustainability Case Competition, organized by the UConn’s Net Impact Graduate Chapter, took place earlier this month, with teams from seven U.S. colleges vying for $5,000 in awards and championship bragging rights.Continue Reading