Jeffrey Cohen

In Connecticut, We’re on the Cusp of a Transit Renaissance

History can tell us a lot about the future. Think back to the late 1800s, when many U.S. cities began to grow around train stations. Marketplaces developed as locations where merchants could sell their products, and this attracted customers from all around Connecticut to live and work near the marketplaces.Continue Reading

Cohen, Team to Analyze Growth Tied to New Rail Line

Professor Jeff Cohen , pictured above, at Union Station in Hartford, is studying the impact that a new passenger rail line will have on residential and commercial development. The train, which travels from New Haven to Springfield, Mass., with many stops in between, began service in June. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
Professor Jeff Cohen , pictured above, at Union Station in Hartford, is studying the impact that a new passenger rail line will have on residential and commercial development. The train, which travels from New Haven to Springfield, Mass., with many stops in between, began service in June. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

Urban planners and government leaders from across the country are expected to be paying close attention to the results of a newly-launched study of how convenient commuter train service impacts the economic growth and development of communities.Continue Reading

Launch of New Hartford Passenger Line Part of ‘Train Renaissance’

Business professor Jeff Cohen, who has researched the business and real estate impacts of the CTfastrak bus rapid transit service, says the new Hartford Line commuter train will have an impact on land value and job opportunities in cities. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
Business professor Jeff Cohen, who has researched the business and real estate impacts of the CTfastrak bus rapid transit service, says the new Hartford Line commuter train will have an impact on land value and job opportunities in cities. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

The Hartford Line is a new commuter rail service between New Haven and Springfield, Mass., with additional stops in suburbs along the 62-mile route. The service, a collaboration between the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts, will launch on Saturday, June 16.Continue Reading

Op-Ed: As Houston, Florida Recover from Hurricanes, Home Values May Dropโ€”Even in Areas That Weren’t Flooded


Perceptions of Danger

After the devastation of Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, New Yorkers not only had to rebuild their damaged homes, but they also faced a crisis of consumer confidence.

Even in areas that weren’t impacted by flooding and storm damage, the value of homes decreased, testimony to the wariness that future homebuyers had about the impact of forthcoming storms.Continue Reading

Are Noisy Airport Flight Paths Discriminatory?

Jeffrey Cohen (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
Jeffrey Cohen (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

As Fed Reserve Scholar, Professor Cohen Explores Airport Noise, Housing Vacancy Ripple Effects

Jeffrey Cohen, a professor of finance and real estate, served as a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for four days in May. Continue Reading