Robert Day


A view of the School of Business on April 28, 2015. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)
A view of the UConn School of Business. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

School Honors Faculty Whose Accomplishments Shine Brightly; Professor Golec Awarded ‘Research Excellence’ Honor

Finance professor Joe Golec, a scholar who keeps a running list of at least 100 potential research topics at all times, was awarded the School of Business’ top honor this spring, its Award for Research Excellence.

Meanwhile accounting professors Yanhua “Sunny’’ Yang and Michael Willenborg earned the School of Business’ Best Paper award for a highly regarded research paper about IPO prices. One of the reasons she chose to work at UConn, Yang said, was the value the University places on research distinction. Continue Reading

Going Once, Going Twice…


OPIM Professor Robert Day’s Combinatorial Auction Algorithm Employed Throughout Europe, Canada in Billion-Dollar Bidding Deals

When the Canadian government wanted to apportion mobile broadband services in February 2014—so that there would be plenty of cell-phone coverage, competitive prices and more provider options nationwide—it used an algorithm devised by UConn Business Professor Bob Day and his colleagues.

Day, a professor of Operations and Information Management in the School of Business, is an expert in combinatorial auctions. His services have been called upon by the governments in Canada and England, who have collected over $8 billion in auction revenues for just two projects he worked on in 2013 and 2014.Continue Reading

School of Business Awarded $1.1M CIBER Grant To Focus on Manufacturing & Global Opportunities

The University of Connecticut School of Business has been awarded a four-year U.S. Department of Education CIBER grant in excess of $1.1 million, to produce a series of programs and partnerships that center around manufacturing.


The CIBER—Center for International Business Education and Research—award comes following an extremely competitive application process in which only half of applicants had their awards renewed.Continue Reading

Annual Faculty Awards

At the beginning of this month, the Teaching and Research Committee met and evaluated nominations for the annual Faculty Awards.  A total of nine winners, a runner up, and two honorable mentions were awarded.

Under the Research category the winners are Sarah Rice and David Weber for Best Paper.  Their paper is titled “How Effective is Internal Control Reporting under SOZ 404? Determinants of the (Non-) Disclosure of Existing Material Weaknesses.” Continue Reading