Investor Place – With the rout in the stock market, investors are looking for things that will bounce back quickly. One obvious place to go looking is in the big data stocks. Coming into 2020, these companies were delivering stellar results. And now, the coronavirus serves as a potential catalyst to help them recover quickly.
Sudip Bhattacharjee
Op-Ed: Respond to the 2020 Census to Save Money, Save Lives, and Be Counted
UConn Today – Would you be willing to help save billions of dollars for the United States if you knew that those funds could potentially be redirected to medical research, repairing highways, or paying for mental health services?Continue Reading
7 Big Data Stocks Fighting Coronavirus On and Off the Charts
Study: Faster Internet Not a Boon to All of CT
Broadband Companies, Public Officials Set Sights on Super-Fast Internet
Stamford Advocate– The race is on to expand high-speed internet service across the country.
Stamford-based Charter Communications has emerged as a leader in the broadband industry, as it has connected millions of customers across the country in recent months to super-fast “gigabit” service. In Connecticut, public officials are also pushing ahead with a number of rapid-connection initiatives, which they argue are engines of economic growth. But these programs must tackle significant challenges — including recent regulatory changes — to fulfill their potential.
To Gigabit or Not

Business Analytics Professor, Students Unravel Mystery Surrounding Fiber-Optic Broadband Benefits
Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities now have some critical new information to consider as they examine whether to invest in ultra-fast, fiber-optic based broadband internet.
Professor Sudip Bhattacharjee and graduate students in UConn’s Business Analytics and Project Management (MSBAPM) program ranked each municipality on a three-tier scale, highlighting which are most likely to benefit from adding broadband service.
MSBAPM Class Explores Economic Impact of High-Speed Internet
The MSBAPM capstone class, together with the State of Connecticut, worked on a project this past spring to determine the economic benefits of fiber-optic based high-speed Internet in Connecticut. The State office, along with the Connecticut Technology Council (CTC) and the CT Gig Project, are partnering with Professor Sudip Bhattacharjee in the OPIM department at the School of Business to understand the economic impact of improved broadband speeds.
Connecticut State Broadband Office Partners with UConn School of Business
Consumer Counsel Elin Swanson Katz Announces Formation of Connecticut State Broadband Office and Promotes Internet Survey as First Official Action
State of Connecticut Consumer Counsel Office – As the first official act of the State Broadband Office, Katz announced that the Office has partnered with the UConn School of Business to create two internet surveys – one for businesses, one for residents, which ask respondents about their internet speed, cost, usage, and satisfaction level with their options. The surveys are available through the following internet links:
Employees Recognized for Years of Service
Dean John Elliott and Associate Deans Sulin Ba, Larry Gramling, and George Plesko recognized employees for their years of service to the University and the State of Connecticut on Friday, May 2, 2014. The Employee Recognition Reception was held in the School of Business Board Room.
The employees recognized were: Continue Reading
Students “Make Data Tell a Story” in MSBAPM Capstone Course
Analyze…Manage…Communicate… Analyze an industrial size dataset, manage the project risk and time commitment, present and “sell” your results to all the stakeholders. This was the theme of the capstone course in the MS in Business Analytics and Project Management (MSBAPM) program, taught by Sudip Bhattacharjee, Mark Tschiegg, and Michael Vandusen from January – April 2013. The final student presentations were held on Monday, April 22 at the Graduate Business Learning Center (GBLC) in downtown Hartford.Continue Reading