
The Power of Empathy

Kelly Herd (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
In their studies, UConn marketing professor Kelly Herd (pictured, above) and Ravi Mehta of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ask participants to design a child’s toy, select ingredients for a new kids’ cereal, and redesign a grocery cart for the elderly. Each time, the group that produced the most original products was the one instructed to imagine the target consumers’ feelings before beginning the task. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

When Product Developers Invoke Emotion, Do They Generate More Creative Ideas?

What kind of potato chip would you create, and what would you name it, if you wanted to sell the product exclusively to pregnant women? Continue Reading

Op-Ed: Our Private Data and the Market for Third-Party Providers of Functionality to Websites

When Faced with High Privacy Concerns Among Users, the Third-Party Industry Gets More Concentrated

Your personal information is out there. You did not give it out, so how did it get there? Continue Reading

A Winning Football Pool Strategy

David Bergman explains some of his research and its implications beyond the betting world. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
David Bergman explains some of his research and its implications beyond the betting world. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

Professor Bergman’s “NFL Survivor Pool” Plan Has Ramifications for Other Businesses, Too

OPIM professor David Bergman loves football, predictions, and data analytics, so it is little surprise that he would use his knowledge to plan an NFL survival-pool strategy. Continue Reading

VOYA Colloquium Asks: How is Marketing Adapting to the Digital Age?

From left: Shijie Lu, Ying Xie, Yakov Bart, and Xueming Luo. (Nancy White/UConn School of Business)
From left: Shijie Lu, Ying Xie, Yakov Bart, and Xueming Luo. (Nancy White/UConn School of Business)

“Marketing in the Digitalized Marketplace” was the theme of the marketing department‘s 7th VOYA Global Colloquium. The Oct. 20 event gathered marketing researchers from across the country to discuss research in the growing areas of user-generated content, social networks, new media, and digital analytics. Continue Reading

If You Slash the Price, They Will Come!

Joseph Pancras, associate professor of marketing, used data on customer traffic, sales per transaction, and profit margin for a total of almost 14,000 transactions over a period of 49 weeks. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
Joseph Pancras, associate professor of marketing, used data on customer traffic, sales per transaction, and profit margin for a total of almost 14,000 transactions over a period of 49 weeks. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

Professor Joseph Pancras Identifies Best Sale Items to Lure Customers Away From Other Grocery Stores

If you want to increase grocery store sales, offer a discount on beer. And then place a tempting display of salty snacks right next to it—at full price.

That’s some of the well-researched advice that marketing professor Joseph Pancras and his colleagues offer grocery store executives in a newly published article in the Journal of Retailing. Continue Reading

Op-Ed: As Houston, Florida Recover from Hurricanes, Home Values May Drop—Even in Areas That Weren’t Flooded


Perceptions of Danger

After the devastation of Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, New Yorkers not only had to rebuild their damaged homes, but they also faced a crisis of consumer confidence.

Even in areas that weren’t impacted by flooding and storm damage, the value of homes decreased, testimony to the wariness that future homebuyers had about the impact of forthcoming storms.Continue Reading