Author: Courtney Akerley

2019 School of Business Hall of Fame Student Fellows

Image courtesy of UConn School of Business
Image courtesy of UConn School of Business

An undergraduate who wants to use data analytics to decrease modern-day slavery, a student who worked at a start-up that is trying a new approach to cancer treatment, and a doctoral student studying conflict in the workplace were among the student fellows inducted in the School of Business’ Hall of Fame.Continue Reading

Aaron McLean โ€™19: Persistence, Determination Key

Courtesy of UConn Men's Football program
Courtesy of UConn Men’s Football program

School of Business senior Aaron McLean from Southborough, Mass., is enjoying his last year on the UConn football team while simultaneously preparing for a career in business. In a recent interview he shared his dedication to hard work, his love of movies, and insight into the person who is his biggest sideline fan. Continue Reading

Help Wanted: Self-Starters with Leadership Skills

Abagail Marshall (Economics) Speaks with members of the business community during the 2018 Career Expo (Devin Basdekian/UConn School of Business)

The Undergraduate Business Career Expo garnered an impressive turnout on Sept. 12, with some 50 employers, traveling from as far as Michigan, to UConn’s Student Union, in hopes of recruiting passionate, hard-working students.Continue Reading