Accounting Professor Mo Hussein Recognized for Excellence by UConn Provost

Professor Mohammed "Mo" Hussein (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)
Professor Mohammed “Mo” Hussein (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)

Accounting professor Mohamed “Mo” Hussein has received the Provost’s Outstanding Service Award

for his contributions to the university.

The award honors faculty whose contribution exceeds expectations and whose work is exemplary in enhancing UConn’s teaching, research service or engagement.

Hussein, who has taught at UConn for more than 40 years, was visibly moved by the honor, presented to him by Provost Carl Lejuez in front of colleagues at a faculty meeting.

“I’m the luckiest human being I know,” Hussein said. “I’ve been at UConn 43 years and I do what I love to doโ€”teaching, research and service.”

In addition to his work as a faculty member, Hussein served as accounting department head three times, and as Interim Dean. He was instrumental in the establishment of the School of Business Ph.D. program as well as the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), and served on its advisory board for many years.

Considered one of the most knowledgeable faculty, he is often sought out by the administration for complex tasks, and by individual faculty for advice and mentorship.

“While Mo’s service to the University community has been exceptional, as a department head he was transformational,” said Professor George Plesko, who leads the accounting department. “Mo initiated a number of strategic changes that have helped the department grow, and which will benefit the department for years to come.”

In addition, Hussein is also a long-time member of the University Senate and many of its committees, including chairing the University Budget Committee. He chaired a taskforce on sweatshop labor that led to UConn developing guidelines on ethical sourcing.

Colleagues have noted his deep sense of ethical purpose and an abiding commitment to excellence in every task he undertakes. They said he is respectful and humble, but a ‘quiet giant’ in the School of Business and beyond.

Associate Dean Lucy Gilson said she was thrilled to learn of Hussein’s recognition.

“To me personally, Mo has always been a mentor, a voice of reason, and the calm in the storm,” she said. “He is one of those people who always has time to help a junior faculty, say hello as he walks by your office, and listen and guide with a words of wisdom.”