Gang Wang

Dean’s 2013 Pre-doctoral Fellowship

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Dean’s 2013 Pre-doctoral Fellowship. This is the first time such an award has been made at the UConn School of Business.

Dean’s 2013 Pre-doctoral Fellowship Awards:

Accounting – Erin Henry, Elizabeth Kohl
Finance – Tingyu Zhou
Management – Margaret Luciano, Lauren D’Innocenzo
Marketing – Jeffrey Carlson
OPIM – Mark Schneider, Gang Wang

Please join us in congratulating these students, who have demonstrated extraordinary achievement in research and/or teaching.

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Ph.D. Student Scholar Awards 2013

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2013 Departmental Outstanding Ph.D. Student Scholar Awards. The following doctoral students have demonstrated outstanding scholarly performance, regardless of stage in the UConn School of Business doctoral program:Continue Reading

Ph.D. Student Teaching Awards 2013

On February 27, business PhD students and coordinators for the five Ph.D. concentrations celebrated student accomplishments during the last year at the sixth annual “Ph.D. Student Night of Appreciation.” School of Business Dean John Elliott was also in attendance, providing the doctoral students with an opportunity to chat with him informally.

At this event, we announced the winners of the school’s 2013 PhD Student Teaching Awards. Each of the five Ph.D. program concentrations gave a teaching award to a qualified student in their concentration. The coordinators of the five concentrations (John Phillips – ACCT, Joseph Golec – FNCE, Qing Cao – MGMT, Bill Ross – MKTG, and Jan Stallaert – OPIM) then decided as a group which of the winners of a teaching award in a concentration would receive this year’s School of Business teaching award. Dean Elliott made the announcement.

The winners of the 2013 teaching awards in each concentration are:

Accounting – Elizabeth Kohl

Finance – Tingyu Zhou

Marketing – Jeff Carlson

Management – Lauren D’Innocenzo

OPIM – Gang Wang

The winner of the 2013 School of Business Ph.D. Teaching Award (program-wide) is:

Management – Lauren D’Innocenzo

Please join us in congratulating these doctoral students for their superb performance in the classroom and as outstanding teacher-scholars.

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