Supply Chain Management

School of Business to Launch MS in Supply Chain Management

UConn Today – The School of Business is launching a master’s degree in Supply Chain Management next year, capitalizing on student interest, faculty expertise, and the identification of New England as a “hot spot’’ for supply-chain management positions.

“I’m very excited about this new degree program,’’ said professor Cuihong Li, a supply-chain expert who leads the Operations and Information Management department at the School of Business.

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Business schools adopt, expand supply chain management programs as post-pandemic demand grows

Hartford Business Journal – In response to growing industry needs, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, business schools across the country are expanding their offerings in supply chain management.

In Connecticut, several colleges — including UConn, Quinnipiac University and the University of Hartford — are falling in line to help support numerous industries by turning out skilled workers in the supply chain field.

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