Kimberly Nguyen

Professor Dunbar Earns National Award, Pays it Forward

Accounting Professor Amy Dunbar has been honored with the Ray M. Sommerfield Outstanding Tax Educator Award, from the Amaerican Accounting Asociation. She plans to use her prize money to establish a scholarship fund. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)
Accounting Professor Amy Dunbar has been honored with the Ray M. Sommerfield Outstanding Tax Educator Award, from the Amaerican Accounting Asociation. She plans to use her prize money to establish a scholarship fund. (Nathan Oldham / UConn School of Business)

Accounting professor Amy Dunbar has been honored as the top tax educator in the nation, winning a prestigious award from the tax section of the American Accounting Association.Continue Reading

New Stamford BCLC Road-Trips to NYC’s ‘Shark Tank’

BCLC Students from UConn Stamford arriving in Grand Central Station in NYC, on their way to visit the set of Shark Tank (Courtesy BCLC)
BCLC Students from UConn Stamford arriving in Grand Central Station in NYC, on their way to visit the set of Shark Tank (Courtesy BCLC)

What better way to launch the new Business Connections Learning Community (BCLC) in Stamford than to arrange a trip to New York City for students to get a behind-the-scenes look at how ABC’s Shark Tank show is produced?Continue Reading

Enthusiasm, Hard Work Keep Hockey’s El-Mir ’19 On Top

Karl El-Mir '19 follows an intense schedule on and off the ice - and it pays off.   (Courtesy UConn Athletics)
Karl El-Mir ’19 follows an intense schedule on and off the ice – and it pays off. (Courtesy UConn Athletics)

One of the most embarrassing things that has happened to Karl El-Mir, a senior in the School of Business and a forward on the UConn Men’s Hockey Team, is stepping on a hockey puck and taking a fall during warm-ups.Continue Reading

Research Series Draws Top Scholars in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

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(iStock image)

The Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (CCEI) recently announced a research seminar series aimed at furthering professorial interest and expertise in entrepreneurship and innovation.Continue Reading