Ph.D. Student Teaching Awards

On March 22, the Ph.D. students and coordinators for the five Ph.D. concentrations met at Willington Pizza for a “BUS Ph.D. Student Night of Appreciation,” where we celebrated studentย accomplishments during the last year.

At this event, weย announced the winners ofย the school’s 2012 Ph.D. student teaching awards.ย ย Each ofย the five Ph.D. program concentrationsย gave a teaching awardย to a qualified student in their concentration.ย ย The coordinators of the five concentrations (John Phillips – ACCT,ย ย Joe Golec – FNCE,ย ย Lucy Gilson – MGMT,ย ย Bill Ross – MKTG, andย Jan Stallaert – OPIM), along with the program director (Gary Powell), thenย decidedย as a groupย which of the winners of a teaching award in a concentrationย would receive this year’s School of Business teaching award.

The winners of the 2012 teaching awards in the concentrationsย (from left to right in theย attached photo)ย are:

Finance – Hieu Phan

Accounting โ€“ Elizabeth Kohl

Management โ€“ Nesij Huvaj

Marketing โ€“ Hang Nguyen

OPIM โ€“ Lei Wangย 

The co-winners of the 2012 School of Business Ph.D. Student Teaching Award are Elizabeth Kohl and Hang Nguyen.

Please joinย us in congratulating theseย students for theirย superb performance in the classroom. Outstanding teacher-scholars such as them are at the heart of the School of Business in the fulfillment of its teaching mission.

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