75th Anniversary

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Honoring Veterans 365 Days a Year

Angel Charles, Connecticut National Guard and 2015 EBV Participant
Angel Charles, Connecticut National Guard and 2015 EBV Participant (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)


UConn’s Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veteransย Helps Military Heroes Become Business Moguls

The UConn School of Business has a strong and proud history of serving the educational and career needs of military leaders and veterans, a tradition that dates back to its earliest days.

After WWII, theย university offered business classes at Fort Trumbull in New London to serve returning GIs. The creation of aย full-time MBA program on the Storrs campus in 1960, another milestone at the School of Business, occurred as a direct result of a contract to expand educational opportunities for members of the Air Force.Continue Reading

Dean Tom Gutteridge’s Accomplishments Endure

Tom Gutteridge (UConn School of Business)

In 10 Years, He Moved School of Business from Regional Dominance to National Prominence

During the 10 years that Tom Gutteridge served as dean of the UConn School of Business, the program experienced tremendous growth, including the construction of a new academic building and creation of significant partnerships and programs within the business community.Continue Reading