
Finance Professors Honored for Research

Jose Martinez, left, and Namho Kang have both been presented with highly prestigious awards. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
Jose Martinez, left, and Namho Kang have both been presented with highly prestigious awards. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

Martinez, Kang Honored for Outstanding Research on Investment Perceptions, Practices

Finance professors Jose Martinez and Namho Kang have both received prestigious recognitions for their separate research endeavors. Continue Reading

A Little White Lie – or Worse?


UConn Researcher Discovers that Retail Execs Downplay, Mislead Outlook in Reports to Stockholders

Many CEOs from major U.S. retailers tend to soften, possibly even distort, their company’s financial standings and offer stakeholders pessimistic predictions about the future, even when their companies are thriving.Continue Reading

A Fast Track to Economic Growth?

Jeffrey Cohen, who specializes in real estate and finance, has received a $194,000 grant from the state Department of Transportation to start investigating economic changes along the CTfastrak bus route. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)
Jeffrey Cohen, who specializes in real estate and finance, has received a $194,000 grant from the state Department of Transportation to start investigating economic changes along the CTfastrak bus route. (Nathan Oldham/UConn School of Business)

Real Estate Professor Jeffrey Cohen Eager to Study Impact of New Transit System on Central Connecticut

Will the state’s new bus rapid-transit system – CTfastrak – which has already carried 4 million riders since its inaugural trip in March 2015, also spur growth in housing, restaurants, and other businesses along its route in central Connecticut?  Continue Reading

PROMESA and Puerto Rico’s Pathways to Solvency

Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation – Facing a self-declared “death spiral” of public debt, the Governor of Puerto Rico announced a debt moratorium earlier this year, halting payments to bondholders. A series of missed payments followed, including a landmark default on constitutionally guaranteed bonds in July. At the same time, Congress passed the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA or “promise” in Spanish), which combines a debt restructuring system with federal controls over the island’s finances. But enacting PROMESA is only a first step. Coordination and engagement with creditors is the next step—and an even more complicated one—in Puerto Rico’s long journey towards solvency and fiscal stability.

Research of Seismic Proportion

Northridge, California - January 19, 1994: Experts survey office building with one side entirely collapsed from the Martin Luther King Day earthquake. (iStock)
Northridge, California – January 19, 1994: Experts survey office building with one side entirely collapsed from the Martin Luther King Day earthquake. (iStock)

Finance Professor Finds Inconsistency in California’s Earthquake Insurance Charges

Are some California homeowners subsidizing others for earthquake insurance due to policies that unfairly lump together insurance premiums for both high- and low-risk property owners?

The answer appears to be “yes,” based on new research by UConn finance professor Xiao “Joyce” Lin, a former California resident who is interested in earthquake insurance pricing and demand.Continue Reading

Spring 2016 Research Newsletter

Welcome to the Spring 2016 Research Newsletter of the University of Connecticut School of Business. As a top public research institution, our faculty are drawn, in part, by the opportunity to merge their love of teaching with their passion for discovery. This spring, our professors have studied a wide range of topics in the business field. In this issue, we feature a fascinating article about how…

Decreasing Infant Mortality

Decreasing Infant Mortality

UConn Professor, Colleagues Discover That Turkey’s Take-Charge Healthcare Initiative Saves Lives

Since the nation of Turkey launched an aggressive healthcare initiative, providing free and convenient access to primary care for all its citizens, at conveniently located walk-in clinics, the mortality rate has decreased, most dramatically among infants.Continue Reading

Reverse Stress Testing

Finance Professor Wins Best Paper Award for Creating Insightful, Novel Method of Risk Assessment

Finance professor Yaacov Kopeliovich and his RiXtrema research team colleagues have won the 2015 Peter L. Bernstein Award for Best Paper for their work titled, “Robust Risk Estimation and Hedging: A Reverse Stress Testing Approach.”

The article originally appeared in the Journal of Derivatives in May 2015. It was selected by a three-person review committee and was chosen from a pool of nominations from 11 top financial journals. The judges looked for an original or new approach to the field or subject of study; surprising and/or insightful results or implications; and both practical and academic relevance.Continue Reading