
Innovation is Thriving at UConn: From New Cancer Treatment to Wearable Technology

School of Business, Partners Guide and Mentor Future Trailblazers

Over the years, I have often used entrepreneurship as a litmus test for the health of our School of Business and our University. Entrepreneurship is about creativity and innovation; it is about the grit and determination of our students. It fosters experiential learning and individual initiative.

We have continuously innovated and grown in how we support entrepreneurship at UConn over the last 30 years. We have been successful, and success has many parents. In this case, the “parents’’ range from the initial gifts from the Wolff Family to create a chaired position and a named competition in the 1990’s, to the support from the state for the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI). And it did not stop there.

In 2012, alumnus Keith Fox ’80 funded the Innovation Quest (iQ) competition and committed his time, talent, and Rolodex to bringing the right skill and support to the program. We enlisted professor Rich Dino as a faculty leader and created courses and formalized a program available to all students at UConn. A few years later, entrepreneur Peter Werth saw the value of the proposition, and gave a large gift in support of this effort across the campus, creating the Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and helping us move the entrepreneurial experience earlier in the academic lives of our students. A freshman was successful in the iQ competition this year, side-by-side with Ph.D. students. Most recently alumna Toni Boucher ’02 MBA doubled down on this history by renaming the School’s management department as the Boucher Department of Management and Entrepreneurship. Today the Princeton Review rates us a leader among entrepreneurship programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Competition Brings Out the Best

On June 14, I had the pleasure of watching five student presentations from the iQ Summer InQbator program. This is an intensive, competitive, multi-week mentoring opportunity for the best competitors from the prior year. It has been my pleasure to participate for over a decade. I say participate, because there are opportunities to ask questions and explore exciting ideas presented by very thoughtful and well-coached students.

This year professor Kevin Gardiner assumed the leadership role, but neither Keith Fox nor Rich Dino stepped away from the program. All of them played a role in guiding and mentoring student teams along with an impressive cadre of alumni and friends. The summer program and the audience for Investor Day contained devoted groups of knowledgeable supporters, guides, and mentors.

In the best spirit of long-term commitment, a former iQ standout participant was there to report on his progress since graduation. He reported impressive progress in creating a viable, revenue-generating business. His message described the challenges and personal fulfillment of his work. He emphasized that you cannot listen to customers carefully enough. This theme was repeated by many presenters. Too many aspiring entrepreneurs see their idea as brilliant in the sense of, “if I build a better mousetrap, they will come.” But the message among these people was, “My goal must be to understand the pain points that my customers face. If I do not offer them solutions, I don’t have a viable product.”

Five Entrepreneurs Discuss Compelling Businesses

This year the five presenters were uniformly articulate and compelling. To illustrate the range of ideas offered and the range of talent in the investor/advisor audience I will mention each briefly.

The most technical was a breast-cancer intervention that involved using CRISPR technology to engage the patient’s own cells to create injectable agents to fight the cancer. As a reader, these simple sentences may seem like Greek, but in the room, there was ample expertise about CRISPR, and alternatives; there was ample expertise about the challenges the FDA-approval process offers, and informed conversation. The questions pushed these issues, and the answers assured us that the summer process and preparation was working.

A slightly (but only slightly) less technical proposal was to advance the state of the art for wearable sensor technology. Many of us today wear watches or other devices to measure effort levels, heart rates, or other bio markers. This company proposes an array of wearable products imprinted with electro-sensitive materials that will allow much more precise measurement of EKG and other markers that are often approximated by today’s technology. The innovation litany is better, cheaper, and faster and these proposals fit that model.

In the spirit of responding to customer needs, another proposal focused on mental health and facilitating connections between patients in need and service providers. At the University, the need for support for students in distress has never been higher, so this is both timely and relevant in response to an overwhelming need.

A first year Ph.D. student provided a consumer product idea. She started by pointing out that UGGs (boot-footwear) get dirty and are hard to clean and are not as warm or waterproof as they could be. Engaging her Mongolian roots, she envisions customizable warmer waterproof footwear, made to order without major inventory management needs. Her high-end, attractive product is slated for market this fall.

Our youngest competitor to reach this stage just completed her first year at UConn. In the spirit of wearable technology, she has designed an innovative mouthguard to detect concussions, internal bleeding, skull fractures, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTEs). As the evidence mounts on health challenges to athletes exposed to repetitive concussions and head injury, there is no question that this is a market need. She observed that it is common for athletes with possible head injuries to assure their coaches that they are fine, even when they aren’t, because they want to return to the game.

This awareness of human behavior and incentives is important in the entrepreneurial journey. The summer program includes attention to emotional intelligence. Successful entrepreneurs must understand their customers and the pain points they face. But they must also understand and engage the investing community and the multiple collaborators and partners with whom they will work.

Stay tuned! We will do this again next year and these great ideas will move forward and give back in the best UConn tradition.


Back to the Dean’s Corner

Chairman Rodney Butler ’99: ‘You’re Here for a Reason’

UConn Today – This past spring, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Chairman Rodney Butler ’99 (BUS) addressed a large audience of students, faculty, and staff at the Student Union Theatre. One member of the audience paying especially close attention was Samantha Gove ’24 (CLAS), a member of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation who worked extensively with UConn’s Native American Cultural Programs during her time in Storrs. Shortly after Butler’s visit, he and Gove connected over video call for a conversation about Butler’s time at UConn, what he’s learned in two decades of leadership in the Nation, and what he wants Native students to keep in mind. The interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Erica Dean ’24, School of Business

UConn Today – Erica wants everyone to find the joy in every experience—even if that experience is a little bit scary. If you can learn something new at the same time, that’s icing on the cake. The School of Business graduate student and Double Husky took classes in Italian and floral arrangement, joined a sports team and a sports ministry and numerous other clubs, and says there are broadening opportunities at UConn for every person and interest. Erica plans to bring her skills in business analytics home to the family business after graduation. And she’s taking her own advice and continuing to plan new experiences, like a hike across Spain for the fall. And her whole family will continue to visit the Dairy Bar, because broadening your horizons doesn’t mean you forget the pleasures of your own backyard.

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Danielle Harrington ’24, School of Business

UConn Today – Basketball fandom drew Danielle Harrington to UConn, and the strength of the School of Business kept her here. Harrington’s interest in math and finance, as well as a desire to make a positive impact on organizations, led her to major in Business. Guiding younger students as a Resident Assistant and a Husky Ambassador, and making friends across campus through activities and volunteering, helped her grow her interpersonal skills. She attributes a boost in her strategic thinking to her advanced business courses. But devising ways to score front row tickets to basketball games can’t have hurt, either!

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New Year, Bright Future

One of the seasonal greetings I received recently wished me “Love, Light & Everything Bright.” It made me smile, and reminded me that this is the time of year for upbeat messages of good cheer. Most often the message celebrates family and friends and special moments. The greeting evoked several upbeat messages of recent days. Let me share them, focusing on our UConn School of Business, Connecticut, and the world.

At the School of Business, we just concluded a strong year and a robust semester. Many new programs and efforts are underway, new degree programs are being created, some departments have been restructured, and our students are thriving and successful.

The COVID pandemic had a remarkable impact, some good, some definitely not so good. Our newest students suffered during their final years of high school, but are recovering nicely with strong support and encouragement from our faculty and staff. During that time, we learned how to take maximum advantage of virtual platforms for education, and have launched a fully online MBA and transformed other programs. Our students have more options, more focused tutorials, and other support for learning, built on what we discovered during COVID.

Importantly, while the popular press cannot get past doom-and-gloom assessments about the status of higher education and the “irrelevance” of education to personal growth, happiness, and success, our applications continue to soar. Young people still see education as a pathway to a brighter future. And at UConn, applications to the School of Business in Storrs are up 33 percent since last year.

In the School of Business, we embrace our role as an agent of economic growth and success within the state. We work with companies, the legislature, the governor, local communities, and non-profits to grow our future. Perceptions of the state of Connecticut’s economy have not kept up with an improving reality. Tax revenues have grown, enabling the state to refill its contingency funds while paying down some long-standing, underfunded pension obligations.

I recently attended a meeting of our Future Climate Venture Studio, a UConn initiative to identify, support and collaborate with startups addressing the most critical dimensions of the climate challenge. UConn President Radenka Maric and Dan O’Keefe, commissioner designate of the Department of Economic and Community Development, were featured speakers. People are aware of President Maric’s inspiring leadership around sustainability and climate change. She is leading UConn as a forerunner among universities in the quest for carbon neutrality. O’Keefe is a newcomer to Connecticut, whom the governor recruited. He spent 25 years in the private sector before being appointed to a newly created role as Chief Innovation Officer. Now he is heading up the DECD.

In a world with more choice for the workforce about where to live and work, O’Keefe asks: Why not work where the quality of life, the quality of education and the quality of health care is high? Both personally and professionally, I welcome this invitation to grow our state’s population with even more talent. He pointed out that last year, Connecticut was the seventh-fastest growing state by GDP in the union. In the last two years, our population growth points to a light and bright future.

At the world level, there is also a lightening and brightening in our future, although clouded by war and conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East. Future Crunch is a newsletter authored by economist and journalist Angus Hervey that just published “66 Good News Stories You Didn’t Hear About in 2023.” He reminds us that the 24-hour news cycle thrives on attention grabbing bad news that gets refined and updated minute by minute. Looked at closely, the bad news stories are usually urgent, short-term, attention-grabbing moments that, in the aggregate, feel like an inescapable, overwhelming worsening of the world. The headlines and news anchors bombard us with statements like: inflation is up, there was another mass shooting, the warming world is attacking us with tornados and droughts, and worse.

In contrast, Hervey looks back at the year 2023 and summarizes often surprisingly good news. The distinction between the minute-by-minute bad news and the reflection on a year of progress reminds me of the Martin Luther King quote: “….the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

There are 66 items in Hervey’s list and I will mention only a few. Since I just mentioned UConn’s sustainability focus and our Climate Studio, it is important to note how many of the 66 items are linked to sustainability, regulation of human polluting behavior, and the surprising progress being made. The production of electric vehicles; the shift to carbon-neutral solar, wind and geothermal sources, extreme reduction of reliance on fossil fuels …..all change the landscape in such a way that it is looking more and more likely that limiting the increase in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius may be possible.

The EV story is eye-opening. Global sales increased by 36 percent last year. Just two years ago, one in 25 cars sold was electric. This year one in five will be, and by 2025, one in two.

Global health is another good-news story. Polio, tuberculosis, river blindness, and HIV are but a few of the menaces against whom mankind is winning. It is not just vaccines and technology creating this revolution, but also good practices including clean water, breast feeding, prenatal care, support for birthing and more. Almost everywhere worldwide improvements continue. Beyond health, there are upticks in education, especially for young women. The overall instances of poverty are in sharp decline.

As we enter 2024, we at the School of Business wish you a wonderful year and the continued realization of these light and bright aspects to our collective future. We share our hopes that world leaders can find ways to moderate the conflicts that have the potential to imperil that future.


Back to the Dean’s Corner

Student Spotlight: Adrianna Empaynado

Adrianna Empaynado is a Marketing major and Communications minor graduating in May 2025. During Adrianna’s undergraduate career she quickly grasped the importance of networking, noting “Every conversation you have is possible a connection”. Adrianna was highly involved in the Business Connections Learning Community during her first two years at UConn, as well as Women in Business and now serves on the Executive Board of the student-led organization. “Both of these organizations motivated me to start my career search early, explore my passions, and grow my network.”, She shares.

Adrianna currently works as a Marketing and Communications Intern for Steel Sports. While she has been in this role since June 2023, she had worked for the company for three years prior. “I was familiar with the company, their values, and the staff. I didn’t experience a normal interview process with Steel Sports due to the networking I had done previously while working my summer job. My boss recommended me for the internship and I was quickly directed to HR and onboarding.”, Adrianna recalls.

Adrianna’s responsibilities include managing the Steel Sports Instagram and Facebook accounts though posting, making graphics on Canva, and working on branding strategy. She has weekly meetings with her boss, Nathan, to stay on task as well as the branding team to brainstorm social media campaigns and other branding techniques. However, Adrianna’s tasks highly depend on the sports season, camp schedules, and tournaments that Steel is a part of.

Adrianna’s favorite professional experience so far has been connecting with professionals at Island Records. “My dream is to work in entertainment, but more specifically the music industry. I was able to connect with SVPs this summer in New York. Meeting with them one on one was an amazing experience that offered so much insight into the industry. It was really eye opening and definitely confirmed that music is the industry I want to be involved in.”, She shares.

Adrianna’s greatest advice is to keep your options open and never stop networking: “You never know where your next opportunity will come from. I never thought about going into the sports industry, but the company I ended up interning for was right in front of me for years. I kept my options open and I gained great foundational experience that is very applicable to my other roles and future opportunities. Keep an open mind and connect whenever possible!”

Student Spotlight: Nathan Miller

Nathan Miller is a current Senior graduating May 2024 with a double major in Marketing and an Individualized Major of Humane Technology Design. In order to prepare himself for the professional world, Nathan “made sure to stand out on paper”. Nathan took advantage of his first few semesters at UConn being online and started to develop his resume with various professional experiences. He started small, doing some branding and design work at a local historical society, joining campus organizations, and building an online portfolio.

“I made sure that I wasn’t just joining organizations or doing things to look good but contributing to my interests and growth in a meaningful way,” Nathan recalls.

This past summer, Nathan completed a ten-week Experience Design Internship with Travelers Insurance. During this time, Nathan was able to work with people both internal and external to Travelers; as an intern under an operations manager, he learned all about how design and marketing fits into Travelers’ different business units. Nathan’s days would vary between working on research/design projects, setting up meetings and benchmark evaluations, and sometimes even attending intern-oriented events that Travelers hosted. He even got to spend a whole week at the PGA tour for the marketing team!

“I met so many amazing people during my time at Travelers and learned a lot about corporate operations and culture,” he says.

Nathan’s favorite experience from his internship was being given the opportunity to participate in Travelers’ internal hackathon, InJam.

“This was a spur-of-the-moment project that I developed after a sidebar conversation about AI in a team meeting,” Nathan explains, “For the hackathon, I prototyped an AI-powered web browser tool that would allow users to more easily navigate “terms and conditions” pages for digital products and services. Both the purpose of this project and the nature of its development made it one of the best parts of my internship”.

Nathan originally had applied for a generic marketing position at Travelers but was placed into a more specialized role that aligned more closely with his skills and background in design. Nathan looks back on the Traveler’s interview experience positively, stating “My interview was the shortest I had experienced all season; I felt the hiring manager and I had a strong connection that made us both feel comfortable and ready for more conversation. I received a call back within 24 hours, and accepted the position!”

This experience was vastly different from his application process, which Nathan described as “arduous” and “frustrating”. To other undergraduate students going through this stressful process, Nathan offers the following advice:

1. Don’t mindlessly apply: I applied to maybe one hundred internships last season, and a lot of my applications would consist of sending in a briefly tailored resume and a template-based cover letter. Not only was this a poor reflection of my capabilities as a potential employee, but also the constant stream of rejections I faced was demoralizing. I would suggest applying to each job like it is your dream company–strive to stand out. I’m not referring to the rhetoric you use in your cover letters and resume bullets, but rather the strategies you use to gain connections within your target company. Take advantage of your alumni network, become a LinkedIn personality, and get creative with how you can differentiate yourself!
2. Start early: Get all of your documents and interview preparation ready as soon as possible. Internship applications are opening all the time, both before and after the seasonal surge. Start researching companies on LinkedIn, Reddit, etc. Practice your interviews with Google’s Interview Prep Tool. Have your resume looked over by a writing center resource, your professors or your advisor.
3. Keep learning: If you feel like you aren’t where you would like to be in terms of career competitiveness, there are many resources which can help advance your position. I love keeping up with the School of Business’s events, attending career fairs, and following career-oriented professionals on social media (particularly TikTok). By subscribing to newsletters and signing up for opportunities, you open yourself up to networking and learning potential that can help you get one step closer to a position!

Student Spotlight: Josephine Kaufman

Josephine Kaufman, a Marketing major with a concentration in Digital Marketing and Analytics, is set to graduate in December 2024. Josephine’s academic journey reflects her commitment to success. She actively engages in her courses by asking questions in class and completing assignments thoughtfully. She approaches her coursework as if they were real-life job assignments, enabling her to think more critically and understand the relevance of her studies in the business world. This dedication to her studies helped her develop a strong foundation for her professional career. Josephine also works as a Teaching Assistant for BUSN 3005 and is an Administrative Assistant at UConn Rec.

This past summer break, Josephine secured a Merchandising Internship at the Staples Headquarters in Framingham, MA. When she first began applying to internships, the role at Staples stuck out to her because it would allow her to demonstrate her knowledge from her courses at UConn. She applied via the Staples website and was invited to a phone interview with a recruiter, and then a Zoom interview with her future manager.
“The questions were based on the job qualifications, and I was very pleased that my coursework and previous job opportunities had provided me with experience to discuss in the interview,” Josephine recalls, “When I was offered the role, I was very excited since I connected with my manager and was very confident in my responses to their questions”.

A typical day in her internship involves a diverse range of tasks. At the start of the week, Josephine updates financial reports using tools like Excel and PowerBI to reflect sales volume from the previous week. She then forwards these reports, along with a summary of the data’s insights, to various team members. She also took part in daily meetings with different departments, including Pricing, Marketing (creative), Inventory, Promotions, Planogram (store layout), and more to make sure that all parts of the business are on the same page.

Her favorite professional experience during the internship was the opportunity to present her internship work to her team, fellow interns, and C-Suite members at Staples. During her presentation, Josephine was able to reflect on how she discovered her passion for working with data. “I enjoyed Merchandising because it emphasized collaboration with many different departments and teams across the company,” she states, even though she initially expected to be more drawn to creative and digital marketing work.

For undergraduate students seeking internships or full-time roles, Josephine offers: “My advice is to keep your options open, make connections with as many people as you can, and move at your own pace!”