Faculty Awards 2011

The Teaching and Research Committee at the University of Connecticut School of Business has met and evaluated the nominations for annual Faculty Awards.   The following winners were selected:

Best Paper:  (3-way tie)

Xue Bai and Manuel Nunez: “Managing Data Quality Risk in Accounting Information Systems” 
(with Jayant Kalagnanam), Information Systems Research

Xinxin Li: “Price Effects in Online Product Reviews: An Analytical Model and Empirical Analysis”   
(with Lorin M. Hitt), MIS Quarterly

David Souder and Zeki Simsek: “The Differing Effects of Agent and Founder CEOs on the Firm’s Market Expansion” (with Scott G. Johnson), Strategic Management Journal

Research Excellence:  John Zhang

Undergraduate Teaching:  Dave Papandria

Graduate Teaching:  Amy Dunbar

Teaching Innovation:  Andy Rosman (with Roger Travis, Modern and Classical Languages)

Service Award:  Tim Dowding