The Teaching and Research Committee at the University of Connecticut School of Business has met and evaluated the nominations for annual Faculty Awards. The following winners were selected:
Best Paper: (3-way tie)
Xue Bai and Manuel Nunez: “Managing Data Quality Risk in Accounting Information Systems”
(with Jayant Kalagnanam), Information Systems Research
Xinxin Li: “Price Effects in Online Product Reviews: An Analytical Model and Empirical Analysis”
(with Lorin M. Hitt), MIS Quarterly
David Souder and Zeki Simsek: “The Differing Effects of Agent and Founder CEOs on the Firm’s Market Expansion” (with Scott G. Johnson), Strategic Management Journal
Research Excellence: John Zhang
Undergraduate Teaching: Dave Papandria
Graduate Teaching: Amy Dunbar
Teaching Innovation: Andy Rosman (with Roger Travis, Modern and Classical Languages)
Service Award: Tim Dowding