This event has been cancelled.
Corporate compliance is one of the hot-topic issues in business today, and it will be the the subject of a Nov. 15 Executive Education breakfast program, “Building a Culture of Compliance,” offered by the University of Connecticut School of Business at its Stamford Campus.
Guest presenter will be UConn Business Law Professor Robert Bird, who will introduce the concept of risk-intelligent compliance. He will also discuss how to make compliance decisions within the confines of limited time and resources, while still minimizing exposure.
The free program runs from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the campus’ GenRe Auditorium. For more information or to reserve a seat, please register online or call Katherine Ruiz at (203) 251-8465.
Bird, who is the Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics at UConn, is also the co-founder of a new four-course certificate program in corporate compliance that began this semester. A highly regarded and highly awarded researcher, Bird specializes in employment law, legal strategy, intellectual property, law and marketing, business and human rights and related fields. He has authored more than 70 academic publications in top journals and has received 15 research-related awards.