Halloween is a popular occasion in American culture and we host a Halloween celebration every year. Students can dress in costume, carve and paint pumpkins and experience this fun American cultural festivity by creating their own Jack-O’Lanterns!Continue Reading
Jia Jia Chen
MSFRM Middle Autumn Festival Celebration
Middle-Autumn Festival is also known as Chinese Moon Festival. It is a time for families to be together, so people far from home will gaze longingly at the moon and think about their families. The event is open to anyone and everyone on campus. Delicious potluck dinner, music, dance, fun games and sharing traditional culture!Continue Reading
MSFRM Storrs Campus Tour
Since the MS in Financial Risk Management is offered on the Hartford and Stamford campuses, we’ve been taking an annual trip to visit the University’s main campus in Storrs as a group. We start by following the Lodewick Visitor Center student staff to explore the School of Business, then walking across the street for a tour of Gampel Pavilion—home of champions. The visit includes Continue Reading
MSFRM Spring Festival Gala with UConn CSSA
Happy Chinese New Year! Spring Festival is the most important holiday in Chinese culture. Last Friday the MSFRM program joined the UConn CSSA (Chinese Student and Scholar Association) for the UConn 2015 Spring Festival Gala. The free event for UConn students included a buffet, performance from UConn students and scholars, and a lot of fun games and gifts!Continue Reading