Goldman Sachs Events Draw 200+ Students in Stamford

Goldman Sachs VP Anujah Shah and Analyst Prasad Bhadang '18 speak to students thanks to the Stamford Business Career Development Office. (Judy Stewart/UConn School of Business)
Goldman Sachs VP Anujah Shah and Analyst Prasad Bhadang ’18 speak to students thanks to the Stamford Business Career Development Office. (Judy Stewart/UConn School of Business)

More than 200 UConn business students recently attended a series of career presentations sponsored by investment giant Goldman Sachs.

The Stamford Business Career Development Office hosted Goldman Sachs Vice President Anuja Shah and Analyst Prasad Bhadang ’18, who earned his Master’s degree in Financial Risk Management at UConn. The team presented at two events on Sept. 11, both on the Stamford campus – a career event in the afternoon and an information session in the evening.

Their visit was made possible because of an introduction by adjunct professor Blake Mather, a former Goldman Sachs executive who now works with the UConn Student Managed Fund team in Stamford.

The events provided insight into the firm’s global risk management strategy and descriptions of the daily work of its employees, allowing students to better understand the fast-paced investment field. The Goldman Sachs’ representatives also discussed career opportunities within the firm.

Both events were attended by undergraduate students and graduate students pursuing financial risk management and business analytics and project management. An additional session was held the night before with the Risk Management team which was also well attended.