How to Work Effectively and Collaboratively in a Family Business

Working in and for a family business requires a unique understanding of family dynamics and values.

The UConn School of Business is currently offering its Spring 2018 Family Business Executive Education Program.

If you are ready to step into a leadership role in your family business, this program is for you. If you want to find out how to easily sharpen your business management skills, this program is for you. If you want to understand how to best work with a family business, this program is for you.

There is still an opportunity to attend six out of eight in-depth sessions. Participants completing at least six modules from the series of eight will receive a certificate of completion from the UConn School of Business Family Business Program.

Executive Education Program Schedule

May 12

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Leadership: Senior Management, Strategic Planning
Lucy Gilson, Professor and Management Department Head, UConn School of Business

1 to 4 p.m.
Operations: Product/Service Delivery, Technology, Customer Satisfaction
Jose Cruz, Associate Professor and Academic Director, MSBAPM Program, UConn School of Business
Robin Ann Bienemann, Entrepreneur in Residence, UConn School of Business

May 19

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Finances: Accounting, Taxes, Valuation, Capital
Paul Gilson, Assistant Professor in Residence, UConn School of Business

1 to 4 p.m.
Innovation: Entrepreneurship, Creativity
Lucy Gilson, Professor and Management Department Head, UConn School of Business

June 2

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Talent Management: HR, Recruiting, Retention, Compensation, Generations
Kevin Thompson, Assistant Professor in Residence, UConn School of Business

1 to 4 p.m.
Revenue Generation: Branding, Sales, Marketing, Social Media, Generations
Kim Pita, Branding/Marketing Consultant, Pita Peaces

Cost: $200 per session

For more information, visit

Questions? Call Robin Ann Bienemann at (860) 392-9268.