MIS Students Develop Tracking System for Connecticut Department of Banking

This semester, a team of Management Information Systems (MIS) students, as part of their capstone course taught by Professor Sulin Ba, developed a Microsoft SQL Server based Enforcement and Examination Tracking System for the Consumer Credit Division of the Connecticut Department of Banking. Despite the complexity of the project, the students were able to provide a system solution that the Consumer Credit Division staff can incorporate and use.

The course, Systems Analysis and Design, was designed to cover system development methodologies for business information systems and explore project management concepts, hardware and software technology, and organizational considerations.

“This real-world system development experience is immensely beneficial to our MIS students,” says Ba, a professor in the School of Business Operations and Information Management (OPIM) department. “It is also in line with the Next Generation Connecticut initiative and its focus on STEM. I hope we’ll be able to bring more such opportunities to the School of Business in the future!”

Professor Ba received a personalized letter of thanks from Connecticut Banking Commissioner Howard F. Pitkin for her role in advising the students with the project.

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