Fred Carstensen

(Video) Backward Economics: When Unemployment Offers a Living Wage

NBC Connecticut – The extra $600 in unemployment assistance made available through the Cares Act has been a lifeline for many workers, but it has created challenges for employers trying to get employees back to work. It raises questions about if jobs were paying a fair wage in the first place.

Seniors’ Sweet Tax Breaks Have Become a Target

The PEW Charitable Trusts – As Americans begin the challenge of filling out their tax returns this year, one taxpayer demographic generally pays less than others: senior citizens. Tax breaks for seniors cost states approximately $27 billion a year and will more than double in the next decade, according to a recent study from the progressive Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, D.C.

While CT’s reserves rise, Wall Street compensation shrinks

Hartford Business Journal – While Connecticut’s budget reserve just hit a new high, one of the driving forces behind that accomplishment may be cooling down. According to a recent report from the New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, compensation on Wall Street was down 6% last year, driven by a 17% drop in bonuses.
