Hartford Courant – The study, funded by a national group that lobbies for marijuana legalization, says direct new revenue from legalization would range from $35 million to $48 million in the first year of sales to as high as $223 million in the fifth year.
Fred Carstensen
(Video) Backward Economics: When Unemployment Offers a Living Wage
With CT’s economy still ailing from Great Recession, pandemic digs a deeper hole for state to scale
State can’t print money, but it can guide economic rise from pandemic
Gov. Lamont urges Connecticut businesses to restrict domestic travel, but many already have measures in place
Seniors’ Sweet Tax Breaks Have Become a Target
The PEW Charitable Trusts – As Americans begin the challenge of filling out their tax returns this year, one taxpayer demographic generally pays less than others: senior citizens. Tax breaks for seniors cost states approximately $27 billion a year and will more than double in the next decade, according to a recent study from the progressive Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, D.C.
Dems and GOP share common flaws in transportation plans
While CT’s reserves rise, Wall Street compensation shrinks
Hartford Business Journal – While Connecticut’s budget reserve just hit a new high, one of the driving forces behind that accomplishment may be cooling down. According to a recent report from the New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, compensation on Wall Street was down 6% last year, driven by a 17% drop in bonuses.