Perspectives Blog

Are You a Millennial in Disguise? Take the Quiz!

Shared Experiences, Not Birth Years, Define a Generation

You can’t go anywhere today without hearing or reading about millennials. Millennials are the biggest population group in American society today, up to 79.8 million people as of 2016 and growing. Millennials are the new consumer group that will affect the economy, with spending power of $1.3 trillion dollars. Yes, trillion! And millennial identity can redefine American culture, especially regarding work. Continue Reading

Winter in Israel: Day 8

Our final day in Tel Aviv was bittersweet, as we knew our incredible journey was coming to an end. We started the day meeting at YL Ventures, a venture capital (VC) firm like many in Israel that focused on early-stage investing. I was astounded that while the US was trending towards less early/seed-stage capital and much more later-stage investments, Israel seemed to embrace their unique VC ecosystem.

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Arriving in London

Marble Arch in London (Auna Harvey/UConn School of Business)
Marble Arch in London (Auna Harvey/UConn School of Business)

I arrived in London at 7:31am (also 2:30am “my time” aka eastern standard time). On the plane, I managed to sleep from 9pm until we landed, so after five and a half hours sleep I felt pretty good. A couple of eyedrops in my “I don’t quite want to wake up yet” eyes and I was ready to take on London! Continue Reading

Winter in Israel: Day 5

And on the fifth day there was light! Up until this point in our trip, our understanding of what makes Israel’s startup culture unique was almost entirely secondhand. That all changed today with our visits to a couple of successful Israeli “startups,” and to an organization that is committed to building stronger business ties between Israeli and the US.

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Winter in Israel: Day 4

This is the start of our fourth full day in Israel. The pace is intense. By observing the culture of Jerusalem, the West Wall, and the Dead Sea we are starting to understand the nation and its people. The reoccurring sight of armed police and soldiers started to get routine until we went to the border with Jordan yesterday and witnessed the live mine fields which brought the reality of past despair, suffering, and a feeling of isolation knowing that there were three more borders (Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt) not including the chaos in the Gaza Strip and to a lesser extent the West Bank.

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Tale of a Fearless Newswoman

The Post (Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation)
(Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation)

“The Post” Offers Glimpse into the Role of the ‘Fourth Estate,’ Keeping Government Accountable

On New Year’s Eve, we watched the new film: “The Post,” starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. The film traces the decision by Katharine Graham (Streep) and Ben Bradlee (Hanks) to publish Vietnam-era stories based on the Pentagon papers. Continue Reading