Executive Education

The Business Mastery Program for Public Service Professionals Certificate Ceremony

The University of Connecticut School of Business Executive Education Business Mastery Program for Public Service Professionals held its certificate ceremony at the Graduate Business Learning Center in Hartford on December 15, 2010.

Dr. Lucy Gilson welcomed honorees, friends and family, distinguished guests and program faculty and staff.  She also shared experiences from her course module, Introduction to ManagementDr. Robert Bird and Dr. Michelle Stronz addressed the group with regard to their course modules, Introduction to Employment Law & Government Processes.   Distinguished guests attending the ceremony and assisting Dr. Gilson with the distribution of certificates included: Department of Public Safety Commissioner James Thomas;  Department of Revenue Services Commissioner Richard Nicholson; CT Housing and Finance Authority Administrator, Nancy O’Brien;  State Elections Enforcement Commission Executive Director and General Counsel, Albert Lenge; and Department of Development Services Commissioner Peter O’Meara.

Certificate recipients honored included:  Troy Anderson and Patricia Johannes, (Department of Public Safety); Carol Andrews, (Department of Revenue Services); Oddler Fils and Justin Giorlando, (Department of Transportation); Leanne Harty, (University of Connecticut); Audrey Horan and Erica Garcia, (Department of Social Services); Mark Hirsch, (CT Housing Finance Authority); Sheri-Lyn Lagueux, (State Elections Enforcement Commission); Cristina Boisvert-MacGillis, (Department of Social Services); Linda Rooney and Dawn Stephenson, (Department of Developmental Services).

The two-course Public Service Professionals Certificate Program offers Introduction to Management and Introduction to Employment Law & Government Processes.   Participants either earn 4 undergraduate or 3 graduate non-degree credits per course. To date, 47 participants have completed the program from agencies and departments, in addition to those above, that include the Department of Public Health; Department of Mental Health & Addition Services; Office of the State Treasurer; the UConn Health Center; Veteran Affairs; and the CT Commission on Culture & Tourism. By providing customized educational opportunities to public service professionals, the program enhances participants’ skills, while benefiting State agencies and the residents of the State of Connecticut.  Our alumni have credited the program with networking and promotional opportunities as well as the development of advanced management skills.

Testimonials on the value and benefits of the program can be found at: www.business.uconn.edu/publicservice.

Pictured (top right): Business Mastery Certificate Program for Public Service Professionals 2010 certificate recipients. Pictured (below, left to right): Dr. Lucy Gilson addresses the audience. Dr. Robert Bird discussing his Introduction to
Employment Law course module. Dr. Michelle Stronz congratulates the honorees.