As a student staring college graduation straight in the face, I look for any advice I can get. Coming across this article helped me in a variety of ways. Robert Merritt, managing partner of sales and marketing recruiting at executive recruiting firm Lucas Group, who has worked with companies such as Kraft, provided great answers to questions all students are wondering. What do recruiters look for in ideal candidates? What skills are the most important to have in the work force? How do you make yourself more attractive to recruiters? With leaving college and finding a career, these are the questions we need to ask ourselves as students.
What do recruiters look for in ideal candidates?
Being able to talk about quantitative data (how to apply and connect data to analysis) and qualitative data (great accomplishments you’ve experienced and how it pertains to the job).
What skills are the most important to have in the work force?
Jobs that are hot right now in the marketplace:
- Data science
- Consumer Insights
- Marketing Analytics
Content marketing is very important, especially how to distribute the content to the right people.
How do you make yourself more attract to recruiters?
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there.”
It’s true that if you build your resume and don’t shut yourself off to any possibility, you will get a good job. Take control of what you want to get out of your career and life.
Kaitlyn Richard ’16
Senior, UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kaitlyn Richard is a senior Communications major with minors in Marketing and Spanish. Kaitlyn works as the Communications Specialist in the School of Business Marketing Department. She is a part of Alpha Phi Omega and Net Impact on the UConn campus. Kaitlyn has twin dogs named Ollie and Riley. View Posts