Message from the Interim Marketing Department Head


As summer approaches and our snowy winter fades from our memories into summer’s warm contentment, we are delighted to share Marketing Department news from Spring 2015 that has been a culmination of networking, accomplishments, and research.

Networking was an important theme this spring. On March 25 our undergraduate students came out to the Benton Museum to interact with alumni, corporate partners, and faculty at our Student and Alumni Networking Event. Stewart Lander ’80, the Marketing Department 2014 Alumnus of the year and keynote speaker, stated that networking events give him a chance to interact with students and alumni have much to offer students as well. In addition, the Marketing Department Awards Reception allowed us to honor our successful students and network with them, their parents, and our donors.

Accomplishments of our students, alumni, and faculty were abundant. To mention a few, the department honored its distinguished undergraduate students and Alumnus of the year, Stewart Lander ’80, at the Awards Reception in April. Mr. Lander has been a great friend to the marketing department endowing a scholarship with his wife, serving on the PSL Advisory Committee, and generously giving his time to mentor our undergraduate and graduate students. Kevin McEvoy, one of our Stamford Campus faculty, won the Session Best Paper award at for his presentation of “The Toolbox-An Innovation Connecting Marketing Education and Practice,” at the Academy of Business Research Conference. Our doctoral students, Anna Jannson Vredeveld and Shan Lin, shared the doctoral student teacher of the year Award; Bin Li and Selcan Kara were selected to represent us at doctoral consortia; and Bin Li was selected the 2015 Voya Doctoral Student Fellow.

Research activities are an ongoing theme. The department hosted two research events, the fourth annual 2015 Voya Financial Colloquium dealing with research in social media and a conference dealing with the emerging topic of Social Enterprises. The department also hosted three external scholars; Ting Zhu, Rajesh Bagchi, and Caglar Irmak, who presented their research and networked with our faculty. Finally, in this issue we highlight a number of papers by our faculty including top publications on the Pharmaceutical Detailing Industry by Hongju Liu and Work-Life Balance by Robert Bird.

Our best for a pleasant and productive remainder of the year!

William Ross
Voya Financial Professor and Interim Department Head
Marketing Department
