New Undergraduate Center at UConn School of Business Centralizes Student Services

Undergraduate Center UConn School of BusinessThe School of Business has established a new Undergraduate Center, combining important student services into one central location. The Center, which was formed over the summer, is located in Suite 248, and will now house theย Office of Undergraduate Advising, theย Undergraduate Career Development Office, theย Office of Diversity Initiativesย and theย Business Writing Center.

“I’m very excited because this will provide efficient, one-stop shopping for our undergraduates,” saidย Larry Gramling, associate dean for undergraduate programs. “It will be extremely convenient for students, and provide even greater opportunity for the professional staff to collaborate.”

The new center is designed to offer support that is completely dedicated to the undergraduate students’ professional needs. The Center takes advantage of space formerly occupied by the Full-time MBA program, which has since relocated to Constitution Plaza in downtown Hartford.

Brandy Nelson, who had formerly served as an academic advisor, is now the director of the Office of Undergraduate Advising (formerly known as the Undergraduate Programs Office) and the program can be reached at (860) 486-2315.ย Kelly Kennedy, well-known for teaching career development courses, will continue in that role as well as creating a new academic advising program that will engage students through all four years.

Kathy Hendricksonย is serving as the assistant director of the Undergraduate Career Development Office (formerly known as the Business Career Center). That program can be contacted at (860) 486-5136.

Seanice DeShieldsย is director of The Office of Diversity Initiatives, and that office can be reached at (860) 486-4135.

Jeffrey Robertsย is director of the Business Writing Center, which can be contacted at (860) 486-9011.

Another familiar presence in the new center isย Debbie Smith, who will now serve as front-desk receptionist in addition to her duties with the Career Development Office.

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