Internships Don’t Expire After You Graduate

I’ve had a lot of pressure on me to get a job after I graduate. According to parents and society, our path is to graduate, get a job and make money. I’ve learned that this path doesn’t have to go in order. Jobs aren’t easy to find after graduation and even if you get a job, it might not be the best fit. I’m here to say that’s okay! If you don’t like a job, find your passion instead. Internships are a great way to find what you are looking for in a career. Here are five reasons why:

  1. Internships can still be paid. The average internship pays from $13-$16. This is a good starting point for making your own money. Also, they might pay for your housing which saves you a ton of money!
  2. You get more experience in the field. Companies everywhere look at experience and what you have accomplished. Internships provide you with the necessary tools to thrive within the company.
  3. You can test out the company and not feel obligated to take a job with them. Having an internship takes the pressure off of making small mistakes and ruining your chances of a full-time position. If you don’t like the company you’re interning for, that’s alright! It’s only temporary.
  4. It’s a gateway to a job with a company you like. Larger companies usually hire their interns because they already have a sense of the company and position. Being an intern may increase your chances of getting a full-time job.
  5. Internships help give you a better idea of what you want to do. Test out different career paths by getting internships. They’re great for hands on experience.

There are always alternatives to getting a job straight out of college. Everyone has their own shoes to fill and path to walk. If you feel like something is not right for you, stick to your gut. As the old quote goes, “Pursue the road less traveled. It makes for a much better adventure.”

Kaitlyn Richard ’16
Senior, UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kaitlyn Richard is a senior Communications major with minors in Marketing and Spanish. Kaitlyn works as the Communications Specialist in the School of Business Marketing Department. She is a part of Alpha Phi Omega and Net Impact on the UConn campus. Kaitlyn has twin dogs named Ollie and Riley. View Posts