Accelerate UConn

Colleges Boost Entrepreneurship Classes, Seminars

Hartford Business JournalMichelle Cote, managing director of the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI) at the UConn School of Business, said it’s a great time to be an aspiring entrepreneur at UConn and statewide based on the resources available to help them.

New Device Improves Measurement of Water Pollution

UConn Today – UConn researchers have developed a device that makes it easier to measure contaminant levels in water. With help from UConn’s National Science Foundation Innovation Corps program, Accelerate UConn, marine geochemist Penny Vlahos and graduate student Joe Warren are now well on their way to commercializing their technology.

New Product Seeks to Prevent Premature Labor

UConn Today – When Dr. Courtney Townsel sees an expectant mother with a rare, but serious condition called cervical insufficiency, she only has a few treatment options. Despite steady advances in how we treat mothers and their unborn babies during high-risk pregnancies, none of her options are ideal. In fact, the procedure most commonly performed to treat cervical insufficiency has remained largely the same since the 1950s.

Accelerate UConn Advances Promising Technologies

Office of the Vice President for Research -A dozen promising technologies are making progress toward the market thanks to Accelerate UConn (AU), the University of Connecticut’s National Science Foundation (NSF) entrepreneurship program. Several high-potential faculty-student teams recently completed rigorous business training provided through the program, culminating with final presentations before their peers, university administrators, and members of the business community.

Better Catalytic Converter: A New Tool for Emission Control

UConn Today – Two UConn researchers have developed a technology that promises big improvements on one of the most common and important emission control tools used to protect the environment: the catalytic converter.

With help from UConn’s NSF program, Accelerate UConn, the pair are now well on their way to commercializing their new technology

NSF Program Helps UConn Entrepreneurs Get Started

UConn Today – Imagine that due to your family medical history, you had an almost 100 percent risk of developing cancer in your lifetime. Now imagine that you discovered this fate before you even started high school. Today that is the reality for many patients with classic familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), a hereditary colon cancer syndrome.

A team of researchers at UConn Health is exploring ideas for novel approaches to prevent FAP and other inherited colorectal cancer syndromes, and they’re getting out of the lab to do it with help from the University’s new National Science Foundation Innovation Corps Site, Accelerate UConn.

Developing a Solution to the Problem of Dry Mouth

UConn Today – Dry mouth. It’s listed as a possible side effect for hundreds of prescription and non-prescription medications, and can also be brought on by factors such as aging, tobacco use, cancer therapy, or autoimmune diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Accelerate UConn Welcomes 1st Class of Entrepreneurs

UConn Health- Accelerate UConn, a National Science Foundation (NSF) entrepreneurship program at UConn, has selected 10 faculty-student teams to receive seed grants and business training aimed at more quickly and successfully commercializing early-stage technologies developed at the University.