The Department is frequently asked by graduate students and individuals in the work force with business degrees (as well as some who have non-business undergraduate degrees), if they can apply to our online masters of accounting (MSA) program. Unfortunately we usually have to decline because they have not taken the prerequisite undergraduate accounting courses. The next question they ask is whether they can take these required courses online at UConn. Soon we will be able to say yes!
The Accounting Department’s online Advanced Certificate and Bridge (ACB) program will offer four comprehensive accounting courses covering financial reporting, assurance services, and taxation over a one year period that, when completed, will result in a Certificate in Accounting. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree (any major) and have completed introductory financial and managerial accounting courses. After completing the ACB program, they can apply to our MSA program and receive credit for two of the ACB courses.
We think the online format of our ACB program will have broad appeal. As program director Amy Dunbar points out, “We are the leaders in online accounting education with our successful online MSA program. We will use our expertise to develop a quality online ACB program that addresses the needs of two constituencies; individuals who just want more accounting education than they currently have and those who would like to use the accounting courses as a bridge to an MSA program. We think the market place will welcome this program not only for the quality of its content, but because the courses can be completed by students anywhere.”
The program has been approved at the School of Business level. There are still other approvals required at the University level, but we hope to have the program up and running by the fall of 2014. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting opportunity for the Department.