The School of Business is pleased to announce the newly redesigned Business Data Analytics undergraduate major, currently known as Business and Technology, which is offered at UConn’s regional campuses. The redesigned major was officially approved by the Provost’s Office on February 10, 2014, after being unanimously approved by the business school’s faculty body earlier in the month.
More than simply a change in name, the redesigned undergraduate major is now more closely aligned with the Operations and Information Management (OPIM) department’s emphasis on, and expertise in, data analytics. More importantly perhaps, the new curriculum better meets the growing demand for professionals who can analyze, organize and manage high-value business solutions in today’s complex business environments.
“Close collaboration with industry partners, coupled with extensive feedback from alumni and students, provided the catalyst for the major’s redesign,” says Ram Gopal, department head of OPIM. “There is a strong desire for agile and analytically skilled talent in the marketplace. Directly addressing these and other unmet needs, our new curriculum now equips graduates with the skills to leverage information technologies, and manage and harness data resources to drive business solutions.”
Changes in the new Business Data Analytics curriculum include the addition of core requirements which serve as cornerstones of the major. Developed in collaboration with the business community, these new courses impart essential skills in data management; programming logic and techniques for data management systems; data processing, visualization and data mining through hands-on training on industry leading software; and project management principles to successfully deliver analytics projects.
“These critical skillsets prepare our students to immediately add value to a broad range of knowledge-based industries such as financial services, high-tech manufacturing, healthcare, IT and entertainment,” adds Ramesh Sankar, associate professor and assistant department head of OPIM.
Additional changes to the curriculum include the replacement of BADM 4070W “Effective Business Writing” with BADM 4075W “Business Communications,” and the requirement of students to take BADM 4072 “Career Development in Business.”
“As the state’s flagship public institution, with a strong mission of service to its citizens and its economy, we should constantly be assessing and evaluating our educational offerings to ensure we’re meeting the needs of the market,” says Larry Gramling, associate dean for Undergraduate Programs. “The changes occurring in the OPIM department, such as the redesigned Business Data Analytics major and new MS in Business Analytics & Project Management, are very clear examples of the School delivering on this mission.”