Students accepted for Travelers EDGE Venture project 2013

The University of Connecticut School of Business is excited to announce that the following students have been accepted to the Travelers EDGE Venture project for 2013: Begum Abadin ’15, Kurtis Adei ’14, Andrea Llivichuzhca ’14, and Janice Tate ’14.

Travelers’ EDGE (Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment) works to help underrepresented students attain college degrees, as well as a competitive edge when entering the job market. The EDGE Venture program is implemented through the University of Connecticut’s Innovation Accelerator (IA), which pairs business school students with community organizations for a portion of the semester (typically 14 weeks). Students in the program gain core business skills by using finance, marketing, strategic planning, research and analysis to address challenges associated with the identification and capture of business opportunities through consulting projects. Students in the program will receive college credits and financial compensation, in addition to the scholarships and stipends they receive through the Travelers EDGE program.

The accepted students will work with New England Air Museum to build a marketing plan that will promote the museum locally. The students will be supervised by a professor from UConn, a team of mentors from Travelers, and will also work closely with Susan Orred, director of development and marketing at New England Air Museum.
