Spring 2019 Research Newsletter

Message from Sulin Ba, Associate Dean of Research

Hello Colleagues,

As a top research university, the Ph.D. program is vital to our research enterprise and an integral part of our identity. We are committed to educating and training the next generation of researchers who will make an impact in the world.

A new UConn study found that even in life-or-death emergencies, workplace friendships – and enmities – matter. (Semin Park/UConn Photo)

Even In Life-or-Death Situations, Friendships Matter

Management Ph.D. Candidate Semin Park explores team dynamics in emergency situations.
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Have large financial companies secretly circumvented government regulations designed to safeguard vulnerable investors from bad decision-making?

Do Firms Use Brands to Circumvent Regulatory Requirements?

Marketing professor Debanjan Mitra discovered a vulnerability in hedge fund marketing. Read More→

Supplier Optimization Key to Manufacturer Success

Supplier Optimization Key to Manufacturer Success

OPIM Professor Cuihong Li developed a theoretical model to guide supply chain strategy. Read More→

IPOs that disclose ‘bad news’ go public at lower prices

IPOs that disclose ‘bad news’ go public at lower prices

Accounting Professor Michael Willenborg explores the relationship between the value of an IPO and voluntary disclosure of 'bad news' in an audit. Read More→