Stefan Hock

Associate Professor


Education/Professional Certification

PhD, Virginia Tech
Diplom-Kaufmann, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany)

Areas of Expertise

Improving Consumer Decision-Making & Firm Performance


Marketing professor Stefan Hock’s research focuses on helping consumers and firms make better decisions.

His research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product & Brand Management, and Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business.

Dr. Hock has taught consumer behavior and principles of marketing in the undergraduate program, and marketing management in the Executive MBA program. Prior to completing his PhD, he worked as an accountant for Deloitte in Munich (Germany) and a strategy consultant for Aon Hewitt in Chicago.

Featured Publications

  • Hock, Stefan J., Kristen Ferguson, and Kelly Herd (2024), “The mobile giving gap: the negative impact of smartphones on donation behavior,” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Berger-Walliser, Gerlinde, Stefan J. Hock, and Björn Walliser (2024), “Disclosure effects in influencer marketing: implications for courts, regulators, and marketers,” 44 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 207.
  • Raithel, Sascha, Stefan J. Hock, and Alexander Mafael (2023), “Product recall effectiveness and consumers’ participation in corrective actions,” forthcoming at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
  • Mafael, Alexander, Sascha Raithel, and Stefan J. Hock (2022), “Managing customer satisfaction after a product recall: the joint role of remedy, brand equity, and severity,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 174-94.
  • Raithel, Sascha, Alexander Mafael, and Stefan J. Hock (2021), “The effects of brand equity and failure severity on remedy choice after a product recall,” Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30 (8), 1247-61.
  • Raithel, Sascha and Stefan J. Hock (2021), “The crisis-response match: an empirical investigation,” Strategic Management Journal, 42 (1), 170-84.
  • Hock, Stefan J., Rajesh Bagchi, and Thomas M. Anderson (2020), “Promotional games increase consumer conversion rates and spending,” Journal of Consumer Research, 47 (1), 79-99.
  • Hock, Stefan J. and Sascha Raithel (2020), “Managing negative celebrity endorser publicity: how announcements of firm (non)responses impact stock returns, Management Science, 66 (3), 1473-95.
  • Zhu, Meng, Rajesh Bagchi, and Stefan J. Hock (2019), “The mere deadline effect: why more time might sabotage goal pursuit,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (5), 1068-84.
  • Hock, Stefan J. and Rajesh Bagchi (2018), “The impact of crowding on calorie consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (5), 1123-40.
  • Raithel, Sascha, Charles R. Taylor, and Stefan J. Hock (2016), “Are Super Bowl ads a super waste of money? Examining the intermediary roles of customer-based brand equity and customer equity effects,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (9), 3788-94.
  • Weaver, Kimberlee, Stefan J. Hock, and Stephen M. Garcia (2016), “Top 10 reasons: when adding persuasive arguments reduces persuasion,” Marketing Letters, 27, 27-38.

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Contact Information
Phone+1 (860) 486-2489
Mailing Address2100 Hillside Road, U1041
Office LocationBUSN 362
Office HoursMonday 2-4 PM and by appointment
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