Sandip Roy

Ph.D. Student


Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing), University of Connecticut, 2025 (Expected)
Master of Business Administration (Honors), California State University, Fresno, 2016
Thesis: The Impact of Gender, Personality and Previous Use on Attitude Towards the Sharing Economy
and Future Use of the Services
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Minor: Creative Writing, And English (Critical Theory),2013

Research Interests
Consumer Behavior
Social Identity Threat
Stereotype Threat
Risk Taking

Sandip is a doctoral student in the Marketing department at the University of Connecticut. Sandip earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration in 2013 and a Master of Business Administration degree in 2016 from California State University. Prior to joining the University of Connecticut’s doctoral program, Sandip worked in non-profit management, political strategy, and at a start-up he founded.

Research Assistant
Research Assistant, University of Connecticut:
Cinthia Satornino (Fall 2020)
Behavioral Lab Manager (Spring 2021)
Kelly Herd (Spring 2021; Fall 2021)
Robin Coulter (Spring 2022)
Nicholas Lurie (Fall 2022)

Teaching Experience
Teaching Associate (Instructor of Record), California State University, 2015-16

Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut:
Nicholas Lurie (Spring 2021; Fall 2021)
Vishal Narayan (Graduate Course for Fall 2022)

Conference Presentations
Roy, S. & Porter, McDowell III. (2020). Would you Pay More to Feel at Home: Price, Host Involvement and Personality Factors as Determinants of Consumer Motivation for Using Sharing Economy Services. Accepted to be presented in Chicago, IL in March 2020 at the Spring conference of the Marketing Management Association.
Roy, S. & Bommer, W.H. (2017). Student Personality and Consumer Behavior in the Sharing Economy.  Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Business and Economics Society in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in March 2017.

Contact Information
Office LocationBUSN 405G
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