Nicholas Lurie

Voya Financial Professor



Education/Professional Certification

PhD, University of California at Berkeley
MS, University of California at Berkeley
MBA, Northwestern University
AB, Vassar College

Areas of Expertise

Digital Marketing
Consumer Decision Making
Social Media
Information Search


Marketing professor Nicholas Lurie conducts research on how consumers search for information and make decisions in digital environments. He is particularly interested in the implications of information visualization, mobile devices, consumer-created content, and social media, for digital marketing. His research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. His article “Decision Making in Information Rich Environments: The Role of Information Structure,” won the Ferber Award for the best article in the Journal of Consumer Research based on a doctoral dissertation.

Dr. Lurie worked for several years as an international marketing consultant in Chicago advising domestic firms on export and market entry strategies with a particular focus on the Mexican market. He also was a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon and speaks French and Spanish.

Featured Publications

  • Ransbotham, Sam, Nicholas H. Lurie, and Hongju Liu (2019), “Creation and Consumption of Mobile Word of Mouth: How are Mobile Reviews Different,” Marketing Science, 38 (5), 773-792. Download Now
  • Peng, Chi-Hung, Nicholas H. Lurie, and Sandra Slaughter (2019), “Using Technology to Persuade: Visual Representation Technologies and Consensus Seeking in Virtual Teams,” Information Systems Research, 30 (3), 948-962. Download Now
  • Chen, Zoey and Nicholas H. Lurie (2013), “Temporal Contiguity and Negativity Bias in the Impact of Online Word-of-Mouth,” Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (4), 463-476. Download Now
  • Ransbotham, Sam, Gerald C. Kane, and Nicholas H. Lurie (2012), “Network Characteristics and the Value of Collaborative User-Generated Content,” Marketing Science, 31 (May/June), 387-405. Download Now
  • Huang, Peng, Nicholas H. Lurie, and Sabyasachi Mitra (2009), “Searching for Experience on the Web: An Empirical Examination of Consumer Behavior for Search and Experience Goods,”Journal of Marketing, 73 (March), 55-69. Download Now
  • Lurie, Nicholas H. and Jayashankar M. Swaminathan (2009), “Is Timely Information Always Better? The Effect of Feedback Frequency on Decision Making,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108 (March), 315-329. Download Now
Contact Information
Phone+1 (860) 486-9349
Mailing AddressUnit 104
Office LocationBUSN 330
Office HoursTuesdays and Thursdays 3:15-4:15 p.m.
and by appointment
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