Kevin E. McEvoy
Emeritus Faculty
Kevin McEvoy, retired Assistant Professor in Residence, began his employment at the University of Connecticut Stamford Campus in 2001 as an Adjunct Professor and in 2004 joined full-time as an Instructor in Residence. He received his Ph.D. in Business Education from New York University. Kevin employs an interactive, experiential teaching pedagogy in his many MBA and undergraduate courses. He was designated a Teaching Scholar (2010), awarded medals for Excellence in Graduate Teaching (2019), and Undergraduate Teaching (2021), and numerous other School of Business teaching awards. Kevin has been a frequent presenter at many Stamford campus events and presented regularly at national academic conferences. His previous executive experience includes General Foods, Colgate Palmolive, Pepperidge Farm (Campbell Soup), Haagen-Dazs (then Pillsbury), and consulted with industry leaders including McNeil Consumer (Johnson & Johnson), Good Humor/Breyers (Unilever), Keebler, SC Johnson and many others. Kevin is often cited in the Stamford area business press.
Areas of Expertise
Marketing, advertising, sales, consulting and business education.
Educational Background
Ph.D., New York University
M.B.A., Boston College
B.A., Boston College (Magna cum Laude)
Certificate, Executive Sales Management, Columbia University
Courses Regularly Taught
Marketing Management Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age
Consumer Behavior Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age Introduction to Marketing Professional Selling
Teaching Distinctions
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award , the UConn Foundation, October 3, 2019.
Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award 2018-19, School of Business.
Stamford Campus Faculty Recognition Award for 2015-16.
Teaching Innovation Award 2015-16, School of Business.
Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award 2012-13, School of Business.
Graduate Teaching Excellence Award 2011-12, School of Business.
Teaching Scholar Award 2009-2010, Institute of Teaching and Learning (now CETL).
Citation by the State of Connecticut General Assembly for the Excellence Award for Teaching Promise, 2006-07.
Citation by the Governor of Connecticut, the Honorable M. Jodi Rell, for the Award for Instructional Excellence 2006-07.
Award for Instructional Excellence 2006-07, Institute of Teaching and Learning (now CETL).
Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award 2006-07, School of Business.
Excellence Award for Teaching Promise 2006-07, American Association of University Professors, University of Connecticut Chapter.
Professor of the Year Award 2006-07, Stamford Campus Student Government Association.
Professor of the Year Award 2005-06, Stamford Campus Student Government Association.
Professor of the Year Award 2004-05, Stamford Campus Student Government Association.
Adjunct Professor of the Year Award 2003-2004, Stamford Campus Student Government Association.
Research Publications-Book Chapters, Articles
McEvoy, Kevin E. (2019). The Toolbox—an Innovation Connecting Marketing Education and Practice. In S. Brock & Peter McAliney (Eds.), Discourses on Business Education at the College Level: On the Boundaries Education at the College Level: On the Boundaries of Content and Praxis (pp. 36-43). New York, NY: Touro University Press.
McEvoy, Kevin E. (2019). The Care and Feeding of Interns: A Framework for Maximizing Intern Learning and Productivity. In Sabra Brock & Peter McAliney (Eds.), Discourses on Business Education at the College Level: On the Boundaries of Content and Praxis (pp. 179-199). New York, NY: Touro University Press.
A Bridge Between School and Work: The Student Toolbox. Business Education Forum. Published April, 2018, Vol. 72, Number 4, pp. 34-35.
Creating a Learning Environment: A Case Study of an Innovative Marketing Internship Program. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (UMI No. 3427003). Published in 2010.
Research Publications-Conference Proceedings
McEvoy, K. E. (2020, March). The Psychographic Continuum. Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research.
McEvoy, K. (2019, September). The Water Bottle Experiment. Marketing Management Association.
McEvoy, K. E. (2019, July) Is Ethics in Society a Mandate or Urban Legend? Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research.
McEvoy, K. (2019, March). The Effect of Greetings on Retail Sales. Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2018, September). The Personal Toolbox Project. Marketing Management Association .
McEvoy, K. (2018, March). Knock, knock who’s there? Millennials! Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2018, March). Smartphones-Student Aid or Distraction? Or both? Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research.
McEvoy, K. (2017, November). Ethics-Marketing Mandate or Mirth? Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2017, March). A New Tool for Self-Directed Life-Long Learning and Professional Development -Creating and Maintaining the Personal Toolbox. International Organization of Social Sciences andBehavioral Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
McEvoy, K. (2017, March). Test-Takers or New Marketers? Advantages the Project-Driven Course. Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2016, November). Marketing and Politics-Becoming One in the Same? The Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K., Jackson, N. C. (2016, March). Mindfulness, Marketing and Management: Is It All That? Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2015, August). Pirates of the Couponers. Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2015, November). The Case Study of an Exemplary MBA-Level Internship. Academy of Business Research.
McEvoy, K. (2015, March). The Toolbox-An Innovation Connecting Marketing Education and PracticeAcademy of Business Research.
Research Distinctions
Best Conference Paper Session Award, Smartphones-Student Aid or Distraction? Or both? International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference in New Orleans, LA, March 20, 2018.
Best Conference Paper Session Award, Ethics- Marketing Mandate or Mirth? Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in San Antonio, TX November 2, 2017.
Best Conference Paper Session Award, Test-Takers or New Marketers? Advantages if the Project Driven Course. Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in New Orleans, LA March 23, 2017
Best Conference Paper Session Award, Marketing and Politics-Becoming One in the Same? Paper presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in San Antonio, TX, November 3, 2016.
Best Conference Paper Session Award, Mindfulness, Marketing and Management:
Is It All That? Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in New Orleans, LA March 24, 2016
Best Conference Paper Session Award, The Toolbox: An Innovation Connecting Marketing Education with Practice. Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in New Orleans, LA March 26, 2015.
Dissertation of the Year Award for 2010, American Education Research Association Workplace Learning Special Interest Group.
Best Conference Paper Presentation, Delta Pi Epsilon Alpha Chapter at New York University, 2008
Publications – Professional & Trade
McEvoy, K (2020, March 26). Online Classes. UConn Marketing Today. Retrieved from om March 26, 2020 at 3:28 PM.
Are You a Millennial in Disguise? Take the Quiz! University of Connecticut School of Business Blog (January 29, 2018).…rce=soap&utm_medium=txt&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=news
The Foundation of Personal Development. The Quest for Diversity Newsletter. (2007, June).
Shoppers helping retailers helps shoppers. Stamford Business Outlook, (2005, November, 1, pp. 7).
Keeping the Brand Faith. Food & Beverage Marketing. (1997, May, pp. 34).
DSD or cross-docking–or both? Progressive Grocer, (1997, March, pp. 23).
Publications-Business & General
McEvoy, K. (2020, June 7). What’s in the swamp? Alligators? No, lobbyists. Stamford Advocate, A22. Also,
McEvoy, K. (2020, January 21). Oscar’s bad example. Stamford Advocate, A9.
McEvoy, K. (2019, November 19). Women’s college sports at a cultural crossroads. Stamford Advocate. Retrieved on November 19, 2019 from
McEvoy, K. (2019, October 16). Selling socialism in the U.S. and capitalism in China. Stamford Advocate, A9.
McEvoy, K. (2019, September 22). D.C. pitches itself as a state. Again. Stamford Advocate, A19.
McEvoy, K. (2019, September 5). Smartphones-blessing or curse? Stamford Advocate, A15.
McEvoy, K. (2019, July 26). The cost, and value, of college. Stamford Advocate, A13.
McEvoy, K. (2019, June 13). Who decides what products are seen? The Stamford Advocate, A13.
McEvoy, K. (2019, May 16). Can marketing Stamford ignite state? The Stamford Advocate, A15.
McEvoy, K. (2019, April 20). Founding Fathers still smartest in the room. The Stamford Advocate, A9.
McEvoy, K. (2019, March 31). The year baseball, race and culture changed. The Stamford Advocate, A14.
McEvoy, K. (2019, February 13). Holiday, or marketing opportunity? The Associated Press. Retrieved from:
McEvoy, K. (2019, February 3). Is the Super Bowl worth all the fuss? The Stamford Advocate, A14.
McEvoy, K. (2019, January 11). Political Candidates as Brands-Politics meets Marketing. The Stamford Advocate, A7.
McEvoy, K. (2019, January 1). What do New Year’s Celebrations Celebrate? The Stamford Advocate, A9.
McEvoy, K. (2018, December 15). What saying Happy Holidays says about us. The Stamford Advocate, A9.
McEvoy, K. (2005, November 1). Shoppers helping retailers helps shoppers. Stamford Business Outlook
Academic & Colloquia Presentations
Do Entertainment Awards Increase Tickets Sales? Academy of Business Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, online presentation on March 25, 2020.
The Psychographic Continuum. Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, online presentation on March 25, 2020.
The Water Bottle Experiment. Marketing Management Association Conference, Santa Fe, NM on September 20, 2019.
Is Ethics in Society a Mandate or Urban Legend? Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, online presentation on July 31, 2019.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Millennials! Paper presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference in New Orleans, LA, March 22, 2018
Smartphones-Student Aid or Distraction? Or both? Paper presented at the International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference in New Orleans, LA, March 20, 2018.
A New Tool for Self-Directed Life-Long Learning and Professional Development – Creating and Maintaining the Personal Toolbox. Paper presented at the International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference in New Orleans, LA, March 23, 2017.
Test-Takers or New Marketers? Advantages the Project-Driven Course. Paper presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference in New Orleans, LA, March 23, 2017.
Marketing and Politics-Becoming One in the Same? Paper presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in San Antonio, TX, November 3, 2016.
Mindfulness, Marketing and Management: Is It All That? Paper presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in New Orleans, LA March 24, 2016. Co-authored with Dr. Nicole C. Jackson, UConn, Stamford, CT.
Pirates of the Couponers: The Curse of the Coupon Black Market. Paper presented at the
Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in San Antonio, TX, September 24, 2015.
The Toolbox – An Innovation Connecting Marketing Education and Practice. Paper presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in New Orleans, LA March 26, 2015.
An Analysis of an Exemplary Marketing MBA Internship Program. Paper presented at the
Academy of Business Research Conference presentation in San Antonio, TX, November 6, 2014.
Political Candidates as Brands, Paper presented at the Faculty Research Colloquium at the University of Connecticut-Stamford, Stamford, CT., September19, 2012.
Social Media for Small Business, First County Bank Regional Seminar Presentation, October, 2011.
The Interaction of Organizational Affordances & Individual Learner Characteristics in Early Workplace Experience. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Delta Pi Epsilon National Honorary Graduate Society, San Francisco, CA, November, 2009.
First Year Workplace Learning Experiences of New MBA Marketing Graduates. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, March, 2008.
Workplace Learning in Today’s Business Environment. Paper presented at the Faculty Research Colloquium at the University of Connecticut-Stamford, Stamford, CT., April, 2007
Service Presentations
Fraud Prevention for the Elderly, Edge Hill Senior Center, October, 2014
How to Effectively Market Your Business Locally, First County Bank Regional Seminar Presentation, March, 2011
How to Make your Online Business More Effective, First County Bank Regional Seminar Presentation, October, 2011
To MBA or to Not MBA, That is The Question, MOD Business Networking Group, January, 2010
Advertising Today, Stamford Women’s’ Fellowship Networking Group, October, 2004
Make a Name for Yourself, UBS, May, 2004
Pre Academic Professional Experience
Prior to teaching, Dr. McEvoy’s career focused on marketing, sales, and consulting, primarily in the consumer packaged goods industry where he held a number of executive positions. He has extensive experience in product management, new product development, channel development, sales management and organizational design and development, and promotion planning, He is an alumnus of four Fortune 100 companies and several entrepreneurial organizations. His consulting experience involved working with a number of Fortune 500 companies, and has been inducted into more than 15 National Who’s Who organizations for business professionals. He serves on several journal editorial boards and was a member of Food Engineering Magazine’s Executive Advisory Panel for 10 years. | |
Office Hours | Varies with semester teaching schedule, best by appointment. |
Courses | MBA: Marketing Management, Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age. Undergraduate: Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age, Introduction to Marketing, Professional Selling. |