Jose Vicente Martinez
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Jose Vicente Martinez joined UConn after working as a university lecturer and senior research fellow in finance at Said Business School, University of Oxford (United Kingdom). He earned a Ph.D. in finance from the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University and later completed a research fellowship at the Institute for Financial Research in Stockholm (Sweden). Dr. Martinez has been a research affiliate of the Swedish House of Finance, a member of the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance and a Governing Body Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford. Earlier in his career he worked as a business analyst in Prudential Financial’s Buenos Aires office. His areas of expertise include capital markets and investments, institutional asset management, investor behavior, and household finance.
- Virtual Reality? Investment Consultants’ Claims About Their Own Performance (joint with Gordon Cookson, Tim Jenkinson and Howard Jones), Management Science, 2022, vol. 68, pp. 8301-8318.
- Best buys and own brands: Investment platforms’ recommendations of mutual funds (joint with Gordon Cookson, Tim Jenkinson and Howard Jones), Review of Financial Studies, 2021, vol. 34, pp. 227-263.
- Measuring the added value of stock recommendations (joint with Anders Anderson and Howard Jones) , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2020, vol. 55, pp. 1915-1945.
- Individual investor activity and performance (joint with Magnus Dahlquist and Paul Soderlind), Review of Financial Studies, 2017, vol. 30, pp. 866-899.
- Institutional investor expectations, manager performance, and fund flows (joint with Howard Jones), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017, vol. 52, pp. 2755-2777.
- Picking winners? Investment consultants’ recommendations of fund managers (joint with Tim Jenkinson and Howard Jones), Journal of Finance, 2016, vol. 71, pp. 2333-2370.
- Investor inattention: A hidden cost of choice in pension plans? (joint with Magnus Dahlquist), European Financial Management, 2015, vol. 21, pp. 1-19.
- Information misweighting and the cross-section of stock recommendations, Journal of Financial Markets, 2011, vol. 14, pp. 515-539.
- Is it punishment? Sovereign defaults and the decline in trade (joint with Guido Sandleris), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2011, vol. 30, pp. 909-930.
Working Papers
- Separate Account vs. Mutual Fund Investors: Manager Selection and Performance (joint with Howard Jones and Alexander Montag).
- Investment Consultants in Private Equity (with Yiming Qian).
- Mutual Funds, ETFs, and the Impact of Investor Flows on Fund Performance (with Xijin Huang).
- Investors Far and Near: Information Type and the Geography of Price Discovery (joint with Howard Jones and Matthias Qian). | |
Phone | +1 (860) 486-3360 |
Mailing Address | Unit 1041 |
Office Location | BUSN 449 |
Campus | Storrs |