Amnah Ameen

PH.D. Student

Management &


Amnah is a PhD student in Management at the University of Connecticut with a concentration in Organizational Behavior. She graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a bachelor’s in Business Administration and a concentration in Management. Afterwards, she pursued post-baccalaureate studies at the University of Pennsylvania where she was then invited to work as a Visiting Scholar for two years. Her research interests revolve around social emotions, workplace relationships, interpersonal perceptions, impression management, and negotiations. 


Post-Baccalaureate Studies – Psychology, University of Pennsylvania – 2020

B.S., Business Administration – Management | minor: Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University – 2018

Research Interests

  • Person perception
  • Authenticity
  • Negotiations
  • Impression management

Published work

Bhatia, S., Olivola, C. Y., Bhatia, N., & Ameen, A. (2022). Predicting leadership perception with large-scale natural language data. The Leadership Quarterly, 101535–.


Contact Information
Office LocationBUSN 404
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