Congratulations Class of 2020!

From the Dean
As we celebrate the Class of 2020, interim dean David Souder shares how, despite these unfortunate circumstances, nothing can take away from the achievements and accomplishments of our students.

Yasmine Shwayhat โ€™20

Yasmine was selected by a committee of faculty and staff to give the Class of 2020's student address. She is a management major and digital arts minor from Windsor, CT. On campus, Yasmine is president of the Business Management Society, a Writing Center tutor, and has been actively involved in the W Center's Fellows program. Yasmine studied abroad at the University of Hong Kong in the fall of 2019. She cites Hong Kong-style milk tea and the vast geographical variation as her favorite parts of the city. In her free time, Yasmine enjoys playing soccer, watching an obscene amount of movies and Broadway shows, heavily advocating for the Oxford comma, and attempting to learn Hans Zimmer songs on the piano.

The Class of 2020

A – Er

Lily Abbott | Finance
Jad Abo-Rabia | Business Administration
Dionte Abraham | Finance
Rubeena Abraham | Accounting
Ryan Agro | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Iridiana Aguilar Marinaccio | Business Administration
Mariam Ahmed | Management Information Systems
Faisal Akhtar | Business Data Analytics
Amy Alexanderowicz | Accounting
Hiba Ali | Marketing
Katherine Allen | Business Data Analytics
Danielle Altamuro | Marketing
Daniel Ambler | Accounting ยง
Ashley Amuan | Finance
Colleen Anderson | Finance
Haley Anderson | Finance
Adam Angelucci | Management
Michael Annese | Finance
Shabab Anwar | Health Care Management
Omar Anwar-Krumeich | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Nikolas Apostolidis | Financial Management
Yanis Aracena | Management Information Systems
Kayley Armington | Accounting
Timothy Askew | Marketing
Francisco Astiasaran | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Mitchell Aureli | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Peter Bade | Accounting
Camila Baez Paez | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Allison Bajorinas | Finance
Christina Baker | Business Data Analytics
Isabella Baldoni | Marketing
Jennefier Banos Vale | Marketing
Matthew Baroni | Finance
Alexander Basil | Finance
Monica Baxter | Finance โ€กยง
Ameliagh Beaudette | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Gani Bebri | Accounting
Harrison Beck | Marketing
Nicholas Beckwith | Finance
Matthew Becotte | Accounting
Madison Begley | Accounting
Kathryn Beloin | Accounting
Julianne Beltz | Accounting
Peter Bequary | Finance
Preetam Beram | Finance
Brendan Berg | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Logan Berke | Finance
Samuel Berkun | Finance
Benjamin Berliner | Management
Justin Bernheimer | Accounting
Iha Bhattarai | Marketing
David Bigos | Accounting โ€กH
Zachary Birdsall | Finance
Alexander Biron | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Elias Bitzarakis | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Andrew Blackmore | Finance
Scott Blanchard | Management Information Systems
Diego Blas | Marketing
Avery Blaszko | Finance
Harrison Block | Marketing
Trevor Bolduc | Management Information Systems
Jason Bopp | Accounting
George Bosomworth | Finance
Kahled Boustati | Business Data Analytics
Lindley Bower | Accounting
Emily Brault | Finance
Ian Braverman | Finance
Tate Breeland | Finance
Evan Bresnan | Finance
Barbara Bria | Business Administration
John Brindisi | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Jaden Brodeur | Finance
Sean Brodeur | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Matthew Brophy | Finance
Nicole Brown | Management Information Systems
Sean Brown | Finance
Nathan Brunetti | Management
Manish Budhathoki | Finance
Michael Burnett | Finance
Noah Burrick | Finance H
Laura Byman | Marketing
Marley Cadigan | Finance
Chasetty Caez-Acevedo | Business Administration
Christopher Calaci | Management Information Systems
Axell Calero-Mendoza | Financial Management
Pierce Capachione | Management
Gregory Capozzi | Marketing
Anna Carpenter | Marketing
Jake Carrara | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Paul Carvalho | Finance
Michael Castanho | Accounting
Daniel Castillo | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Ryan Cavanaugh | Accounting
Sydney Cendana | Marketing ยง
Joseph Ceppetelli | Accounting
Brendan Cestari | Accounting
Annamma Chaluparambil | Accounting
Brandon Chan | Finance
Susan Chang | Management
Christian Chaparro | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Riaz Charania | Finance
Zoila Chele | Financial Management โ€ก
Rose Chelednik | Health Care Management
Alex Chen | Finance
Ran Chen | Management Information Systems
Steven Chen | Finance
Xi Chen | Finance
Yutong Chen | Finance
Dennis Cheng | Health Care Management
Joanne Cheong | Management Information Systems
Tiffany Cheung | Accounting โ€ โ€ก
Ellen Chirikos | Management H
Kyle Chirsky | Financial Management
Garrett Choiniere | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Amrin Choudhury | Accounting
Naha Chowdhury | Health Care Management
Abigail Chromik | Management Information Systems
Alexandra Chung | Finance
Brendan Churns | Accounting
Jason Ciabattoni | Finance
Cassandra Cicalis | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Grace Clancy | Accounting
Matthew Clark | Finance
Richard Clay | Finance
Luis Cleves | Management Information Systems
Jessica Co | Marketing
Joshua Cohn | Finance
Calvin Colby | Finance
Hannah Coleman | Finance
Nicholas Colino | Financial Management
Julia Colliton | Finance โ€ก
Jovan Colon | Accounting
Brian Conlon | Finance
Raquel Coppola | Finance
Alexandra Corcoran | Accounting โ€ก
Randy Cordova | Business Data Analytics
Cole Crawford | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
David Crawford | Accounting
Calvin Crosby | Financial Management
Kailey Crothers | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Matthew Crowell | Accounting
Lennix Cuffy | Accounting
Kyra Cullerton | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Emily Curina | Management
Liam Cutts | Financial Management
Evan Cybart | Finance โ€ก
Jacob Czerniewski | Financial Managemen
Rick Daily | Business Administration
Jacob D'Alessandro | Management
Rushabh Damania | Accounting โ€ โ€ก
Reilly Damm | Marketing
Trevor Daniels | Finance
Amanda D'Arbanville | Marketing
Fernando Dasilva | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Nicholas David | Marketing
Mathew Davis | Finance
Edouard De Parcevaux | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Kevin Dean | Management
Sarah Deehan | Accounting โ€ 
Cameron DeGeorge | Finance
Jack Dehler | Finance
Sean Del Valle | Accounting ยง
Mia Delgado | Management
Michael Dellaporta | Finance
Julia DeMarkey | Finance ยง
Nicole Demartino | Marketing
Nicholas Demaso | Accounting
Katherine Dennis | Management โ€ก
Laura Desousa | Marketing
Andre Destefano | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Ousman Diallo | Management Information Systems
Meghan Diamond | Marketing
Sabrina Dibble | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Bridgette Dight | Marketing
Alexander Dillon | Marketing H
Kristina Dimascio | Management
Angelo Dimonaco | Finance โ€ก
Melia Dion | Marketing
Mark Dirusso | Finance
Eric Dishnica | Financial Management
Paul Ditommaso | Accounting
Samuel Donahue | Accounting
Victoria Donlon | Accounting โ€ก
Chelsea Donnelly | Accounting
Caitlyn Donohue | Finance
Brandon DosSantos | Finance
Lauren Dottor | Accounting
Devin Dowd | Accounting โ€ก
Elizabeth Dowds | Finance โ€ก
Ashley Downs | Health Care Management
Moriah Doyon | Business Administration
Elena Dragun | Health Care Management
Jaymee Du Plessis | Accounting
Jiabei Duan | Management
Elijah Dufour | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Rachael Dumais | Finance
Evan Earle | Management
Andrew Eastman | Management Information Systems
Petar Efremov | Accounting
Dante Egidio | Finance
Sarina Eller | Finance
Angelica Ellis | Business Data Analytics
Julianna Elmasri | Health Care Management H
Waleed Eltigani | Marketing
Luis Encinas | Management
Marcelo Erazo | Digital Marketing & Analytics

Ey – Li

Jacob Eyberse | Business Administration
Raymond Fagan | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
LiLi Fan | Accounting
Ben Fanucci | Management
Fetie Fejzo | Business Administration
Emma Feldman | Finance
Diante Felton | Management
Mimi Feng | Accounting
Donatella Fenili | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Christopher Fernandes | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Joseph Ferracane | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Jake Ferraro | Marketing
Cristina Ferreira | Finance
Cristina Figueroa | Marketing
Stavros Filippidis | Finance
Kelly Finn | Finance
Nick Fiore | Finance
Talib Fisher | Marketing
Ryang Flores Bereche | Business Administration
Danielle Flowers | Accounting
Sean Fluchel | Accounting
Alexander Flug | Accounting โ€ก
Malu Foley | Marketing
Benjamin Foodman | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Kiara Forbes | Management
Cameron Foster | Financial Management
Benjamin Freeman | Health Care Management
Justin Freund | Finance
Yuhan Fu | Marketing
Thalia Fuentes | Management
Chandler Gabagat | Accounting
Zachary Galasso | Financial Management
Andres Galindo | Financial Management
Connor Gallagher | Finance
Nicole Gallagher | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Natalie Gallo | Accounting ยง
Holly Gamer | Accounting
Yilin Gao | Finance
Ziyue Gao | Finance
Matthew Garcia | Management
Luke Garneau | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Danielle Garnelis | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Peter Garrigan | Finance
Camryn Gaudett | Marketing
Joseph Gauthier | Management Information Systems
Amanda Gervais | Finance
Leah Gervin | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Michael Giannotta | Finance
Robert Gieseler | Business & Technology
Chelsey Gil | Business Administration
Hailey Gilbert | Accounting ยง
Zachary Gilbert | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Julia Gilliard | Accounting โ€ก
Alysa Giron | Marketing
Michael Goccia | Management
Leonardo Godoi | Business Data Analytics
Connor Goldberg | Finance
Nathan Goldenberg | Management
Austin Goll | Finance
Daniel Gomes | Accounting
Andrew Goncharov | Finance
Xihao Gong | Finance
Alex Gonzalez | Finance
Efrain Gonzalez | Accounting
Isabel Gonzalez | Business Administration
Sara Gorkofsky | Accounting
Abigail Gosselin | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Sophia Goutr | Financial Management
Mauro Gozzo | Finance
Matthew Grady | Marketing
Brett Graham | Finance
Tyler Grant | Finance
Jennifer Gravel | Accounting
Tashanta Gray | Financial Management
Alex Greco | Finance H
Alexander Greenberg | Finance โ€ก
Kyle Greenspan | Accounting
Emma Gromko | Accounting
Shannon Guilbault | Marketing
Robert Gullo | Management
Matthew Guminiak | Accounting
Jianghao Guo | Finance
Nina Haigis | Accounting
John Hall | Management
Kelsie Hall | Marketing
Kexin Han | Accounting
Liangyu Han | Finance
Lydia Hanlon | Accounting
Ying Hao | Accounting
Dalan Harris | Business Administration
Jacob Harris | Marketing
Wayne Hatch III | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
John Hauselt | Management Information Systems
James Hay | Business Administration
Xinyi He | Marketing
Shannon Healey | Management
Matthew Heath | Marketing
Amanda Hermann | Accounting
Katie Hernandez | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Brandon Higgins | Finance
Matthew Hill | Accounting
Olivia Hiller | Finance
Jackson Hillner | Finance
Katie Rose Hillowe | Real Estate & Urban Economic H
Monika Hlinka | Marketing
Viet Hoang | Finance
Wendy Holt | Business Administration
Joseph Homan | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Lu Hong | Accounting
Benjamin Hood | Management
Alexander Hooper | Marketing
Nicole Horen | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Gabrielle Horton | Finance
Joshua Houle | Accounting
Ethan Howard | Finance
Jossenka Hoyos | Financial Management
Layne Hoyt | Business Data Analytics
Catherine Huang | Accounting โ€ 
Sam Huang | Management Information Systems
Tiancheng Huang | Finance
Casey Huffman | Finance
Carter Hughes | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Laken Hughes | Marketing
Truc Huynh | Management Information Systems
Sarah Ingram | Management
Mohammed Islam | Finance
Ashley Jacques | Marketing
Nicole Jain | Health Care Management
Syeda Jakera | Management Information Systems
Samantha Jeannotte | Finance โ€ก
Mia Jensen | Accounting
Eric Jha | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Yilan Jiang | Accounting โ€ 
Hannah Johnson | Finance
Karl Johnson | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Annie Jones | Accounting
Corrinne Jones | Marketing
Kyle Jones | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Kyle Judson | Finance
Valeriya Kadysheva | Health Care Management
Ryan Kaelin | Finance
Michelle Kahn | Health Care Management
Lucas Kamakura | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Arjun Kaneria | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Kunal Kataria | Management ยง
Erik Katsigiannis | Accounting
Kathleen Kaufmann | Finance
Jeremy Keckler | Marketing
Mahlee Kefor | Accounting
Amanda Kelly | Marketing
Amare Kelly | Management Information Systems
Austin Kelly | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Noah Kelly | Business Administration
Paul Kennedy | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Owen Kennelly | Management
Muhammad Khan | Business Administration
John Kimball | Management
Jade King | Accounting
Steven Kleet | Finance
Conner Klein | Marketing
Sabina Kmiec | Financial Management
Geethika Kodakara | Marketing
Rabhjyot Kohli | Management Information Systems
Kayla Kordish | Finance
Peter Koziolkowsky | Finance
Molly Kozlowski | Finance
Xheneta Krasniqi | Business Administration
Alexander Kraus | Accounting
Daniel Krawic | Accounting
Mariela Kridzelis | Management Information Systems
Andre Kuhn | Finance
Tenzing Kunchok | Finance
Kaila Kuschman | Marketing
Kacey Kwon | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Matthew Labella | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Kyle Lalla | Business Administration
Ronald Lamontagne | Finance
Ethan Landeck | Finance
David Langer | Management
Leylane Laquesse | Business Administration
Nicholas Lattanzio | Management
Grace Lauber | Accounting
Nicholas Laudati | Accounting
Stephan Lauer | Financial Management
Brendan Layne | Finance
Long Le | Accounting โ€ 
Christopher Lea | Business Administration
Ryan Leahy | Accounting
Michael Leandri | Accounting
Taylor Lemme | Finance
Justin Lengvarsky | Management
Jonissa Leon | Business Administration
Clayton Leopold | Accounting *
Daniel Levine | Management Information Systems
Jenna Lewis | Finance ยง
Maxwell Lezon | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Bing Li | Management Information Systems
Chuying Li | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Ray Li | Finance
Sijia Li | Accounting
Weihan Li | Accounting โ€ H
Zhengrong Li | Finance
Zhi Li | Accounting
Ruiqi Liang | Finance
Jenna Light | Marketing ยง
Binbing Lin | Marketing
Jiachao Lin | Finance
Rui Lin | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing

Lind – Roy

Riley Lindsey | Healthcare Management
Julia Lindwall | Accounting โ€ก
Kristina Linehan | Marketing
David Liu | Accounting
Huijun Liu | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Huizhu Liu | Accounting
Likun Liu | Finance
Pingsheng Liu | Management
Yujun Liu | Finance
Robert Loconte | Marketing
Adaleta Loga | Business Administration
Braden Lohbusch | Finance
Matthew Lombardo | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Jessie Lopez | Finance
Sebastian Lopez | Finance
Adelyn Lotito | Marketing
Dayle Lower | Management
Cameron Lucey | Management
Paul Luchansky | Marketing
Grace Luipold | Health Care Management
Alicia Lungo | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Courtney Lutz | Accounting
Andre Lyons | Business Administration
Jennifer Lyons | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Ian MacDonald | Finance H
Benjamin MacNicholl | Business Administration
Pranav Madan | Accounting
Eric Maggi | Finance
Joseph Maggi | Management Information Systems
Brian Maher | Finance H
Farwa Mahmud | Accounting โ€ โ€ก
Vijay Makayee | Accounting โ€ก
Mark Malchiodi Jr | Accounting
Yusuf Malik | Management Information Systems
Erin Malley | Accounting
Peter Manfredonia | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Ruiqi Mao | Business Data Analytics
Simone Marchesin | Health Care Management ยง
Anthony Marino | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Julia Martin | Finance
Marlena Martin | Marketing ยง
Conor Maselli | Management Information Systems
Alexander Massoumi | Management Information Systems
Kevin Mastriano | Management Information Systems
Christy Matthews | Business Administration
Nicholas Mattioli | Health Care Management โ€ก
Darlene Maxilus | Financial Management
Hector McBean | Business Administration
Erin McCabe | Accounting
Michael McCarthy | Accounting
Peter McGlone | Accounting
Brian McGonnigle | Finance
Seamus McKeever | Finance
Brian Mckenna | Accounting
Emily Mckenna | Accounting H
Henry McKenna | Finance
Sean Mckenna | Accounting
Stephen McLoughlin | Financial Management
Michael McManus | Accounting
Christopher McNally | Finance
Ethan McRae | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Jesus Medina | Management Information Systems
Amanda Mei | Finance
Julia Merani | Management
Bryant Mercado | Management
James Mercaldo | Management Information Systems
Anthony Meschino | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Zachary Metviner | Finance
Michael Michonski | Finance
Brandon Milich | Finance
Maxwell Miller | Finance โ€ก
Ricky Milliner | Business Data Analytics
Umaid Mirza | Accounting
Joann Mobarak | Finance
Matthew Mocarsky | Management
Brian Mok | Accounting
Laura Molano | Finance
Samuel Molitoris | Accounting
Sean Monaghan | Management Information Systems
Jessica Monahemi | Marketing
Gianna Montanaro | Financial Management
Benjamin Moore | Business Administration
Jack Moore | Finance
Silvanna Moran-Vargas | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Jacques Morency | Business Administration
Noah Morin | Management
Joseph Morris | Management
Irfan Mridha | Business Administration
Pirro Muchollari | Management
Dzenan Mujic | Financial Management
Zalan Mumtaz | Business Data Analytics
Justin Murad | Finance
Shreya Murthy | Finance
Julia Musto | Accounting
Ryan Mutz | Management
Allyson Myers | Finance
Jack Myers | Finance
Victoria Myers | Accounting *โ€ โ€ก
Matthew Naarden | Finance
Michael Nanfito | Accounting โ€กH
Alexander Naoum | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Deepa Naraine | Business Data Analytics
Christopher Narkon | Finance
Nivedha Natchiappan | Health Care Management
Alexander Nemphos | Accounting
Dylan Nenadal | Management
Jack Nepomuceno | Finance
Nicholas Nero | Finance
Jason Ng | Marketing
Dalena Nguy | Management
Michelle Nguyen | Health Care Management
Nhi Nguyen | Finance
Zeen Ni | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Michael Nicolo | Finance
Timothy Noto | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
John O'Connor | Finance
Timothy Oliveira | Financial Management
Peter Oliveri | Business Data Analytics
Bret Olson | Accounting
Berina Orucevic | Finance
Mike Pabon | Financial Management
Mareglen Pacani | Real Estate & Urban Economics
Kyle Page | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Alexander Pajusovs | Finance
Kathryn Palinkos | Marketing
Meghan Palumbo | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Zesen Pan | Management Information Systems
Julia Pangallo | Finance
Andreas Paolino | Management
Christopher Papa | Management
Nicholas Paravalos | Finance
Connor Parsch | Accounting
Daniel Parzych | Finance
Sophia Pascon | Marketing ยง
Matthew Pateiro | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Param Patel | Finance
Rashmi Patel | Business Data Analytics
Vinit Patel | Accounting
Vishal Patel | Health Care Management
Yash Patel | Finance
Bridget Patterson | Accounting โ€ 
Dasha Pavlenko | Marketing
Tanner Pearl | Finance
Belma Pehratovic | Management Information Systems
Nicholas Peixoto | Finance
Morgan Peniston | Marketing
David Perez | Accounting
Marcos Perez | Finance
Dean Perkins | Management
Adriana Perkovic | Business Administration
Richard Perret | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Elizabeth Perry | Management *โ€ก
Santiago Persano | Finance
Caitlyn Pesavento | Finance H
Elisavet Petridis | Marketing
Isabella Petrini | Management
Chinh Phan | Accounting โ€ก
Alyssa Pietro | Marketing
Aliana Pilao | Management Information Systems
Andrew Pirner | Marketing
Andrew Pizzoferrato | Accounting
Daniel Podelko | Finance
Ryan Polistena | Finance
Nicholas Porebski | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Jason Post | Health Care Management
Peter Poulin Jr | Business Administration
Kathryn Preston | Management
Cecil Pringle | Accounting
Alexey Prokharchyk | Financial Management
Shemuel Prudhomme | Marketing
Carly Puckett | Marketing
Franklin Pulla | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Richard Pye | Finance
Kashif Qadri | Accounting
Hu Qin | Accounting
Douglas Quagliato | Finance
Kelly Quinn | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Emma Radack | Management Information Systems
Joshua Radko | Management
Jacob Raggon | Finance
Khushil Rana | Health Care Management
Nicholas Randle | Accounting
Damani Rashadeen | Financial Management
Achal Ray | Accounting
Shlok Ray | Accounting
Kira Raymond | Accounting
Jessica Reed | Accounting
Emily Reid | Marketing
Haley Reierson | Management Information Systems
Brian Reilly | Finance
Jeanette Rendon | Marketing
Victoria Reynolds | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Shawn Rice | Finance
Noah Richards | Management Information Systems ยง
Caroline Richman | Accounting
Lauren Rivard | Marketing โ€ก
Cesar Rivera | Financial Management
Emily Robertson | Marketing
Abigail Rodden | Marketing
David Rodriguez | Finance
Gleimy Rodriguez | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Michelle Rodriguez | Business Administration
Monica Rodriguez | Marketing
Rachel Roncaioli | Accounting
Duo Rong | Finance
Craig Rossi | Finance ยง
Michael Roy | Business Data Analytics

Roz – Zy

Daisy Rozario | Marketing
Evan Rubinfeld | Marketing
Kaitlyn Rubino | Marketing
Jason Rubinton | Finance
Juan Russo | Finance
Matthew Ruyffelaert | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Audrey Ryan | Marketing
Mnal Sahoobah | Marketing
Ramil Salmanov | Financial Management
Dylan Salvatore | Business Administration
Lindsay Sampson | Accounting
Vanessa Sanchez | Business Administration
David Sandor | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Maria Santos | Business Data Analytics
Nicholas Santos | Accounting
Madeline Sanzo | Marketing
Olivia Sappington | Management
Robert Saraco | Accounting H
Cristian Saraiva | Financial Management โ€ก
Carissa Satryb | Marketing โ€ก
Caitlin Savinelli | Accounting
Sarah Schatz | Accounting โ€กยง
Kenneth Schif | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Daniel Schmedlin | Management
Clayton Schneider | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Jessica Schnitzer | Marketing
Delaney Schottland | Accounting
Josh Schramm | Accounting *โ€ก
Shannon Scott | Marketing
Ethan Shafer | Management
Milad Shams | Business Administration
Nicole Shank | Finance
Haley Sharlow | Management
Patrick Shea | Finance
Klaudia Shembitraku | Health Care Management
Charles Sherman III | Digital Marketing & Analytics โ€ก
Swathy Shriram | Management
Edison Shtufaj | Business Administration
Olesya Shturypita | Accounting
Yasmine Shwayhat | Management H
Jeffrey Sidebotham Jr | Accounting
Michael Sidiropoulos | Finance
Pieter Siebesma | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Thomas Silva | Finance
Nathan Silverman | Management Information Systems
Andrew Simard | Real Estate & Urban Economic โ€ก
Julia Simics | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Rahul Sindvani | Finance
Laura Singh | Business Administration โ€ก
Paras Singh | Business Administration
Kayla Sinkevitch | Accounting
Ava Sisson | Management
Maria Skiathiti | Business Administration
Cavan Smith | Finance
Greta Smith | Marketing
Iain Smith | Finance
Thomas Smith V | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Matthew Smyth | Management
Tyler Snelgrove | Finance
Nishanth Sode | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
John Somers | Accounting
Laura Somma | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Gabriella Soper | Finance
Nelson Sotelo | Financial Management
Karina Soto | Management Information Systems
Jazmin Soukthideth | Financial Management
Timothy Specht | Finance
Rodrick Spence | Business Administration
Anthony Speranza | Finance
Nicholas Sperr | Marketing
Casey Spilka | Finance
Jason St Peter | Management
Francis Stino | Accounting
Dwight Stocker | Finance
Maxwell Story | Accounting
Kiley Stotler | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Tia Strackman | Marketing
Kayla Studwell | Accounting
Hannah Sugrue | Marketing
Xiwen Sun | Accounting
Kathryn Surprenant | Finance
Mateusz Szypulski | Financial Management
Enxhi Taluri | Accounting ยง
Aruba Tariq | Financial Management
Isabella Teixeira | Finance
Silvi Tela | Accounting
Cailin Tennis | Management
Matthew Ternullo | Management
John Terwilliger | Marketing
Michael Terzian | Finance
Kyle Tesei | Finance
Kyle Testa | Health Care Management
Devanshi Thakkar | Finance
Priyanka Thakkar | Management Information Systems H
Marissa Thill | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing โ€ก
Joel Thomas | Management Information Systems
Julia Tiedt | Finance
Bennett Tiesinga | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Danielle Toger | Management
Michael Tolisano | Management *
Justin Tompkins | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Karam Toor | Management
Samantha Torres | Marketing
Kevin Torres-Villa | Accounting

Anne Trager | Marketing
Samuel Trainer | Management
Steven Tran | Business Administration
Victoria Trautman | Management Information Systems
Kahli Travers | Management Information Systems
Aaron Trelease | Management
Jason Trieu | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Brian Triglione | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Andrew Tripp | Management Information Systems
Tara Troy | Marketing
Brianna Tsui | Finance
Lucas Tuccinardi | Financial Management
Susan Twiss | Marketing
Timothy Umphrey | Finance
Maximilian Urbahn | Financial Management
Alexandra Urban | Accounting
Daniyal Usman | Business Data Analytics
Victoria Usmanova | Marketing
Emmanuel Valdovinos | Finance
Gina Valenti | Business & Technology
Morgan Van Liew | Finance โ€กยงH
Nikhil Vasthare | Finance
Andres Velastegui | Financial Management โ€ก
Fatima Velic | Business & Technology
Kevin Venanzi | Accounting
Nathaniel Vereen | Finance
Joseph Vernieri | Management
Ethan Vieira | Finance
Mia Vigener | Marketing
Martin Villanueva | Finance
Valbona Vinca | Health Care Management
Vasu Viroja | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Dhvani Visaria | Finance
Shivang Vora | Finance
Kristen Waddington | Marketing
Nikolas Wagher | Accounting
Justin Wagner | Finance
Anna-Lena Wakefield | Business Administration
Sydney Walgren | Marketing
Michael Walters | Finance
Cunzhu Wang | Management Information Systems
Jiaqi Wang | Marketing
Jinduo Wang | Management
Lijiao Wang | Marketing
Ilissa Webb | Accounting
Nicholas Wehrle | Finance
Jingyi Wei | Accounting โ€ 
Brendan Weller | Finance H
Rui Wen | Accounting
Yibo Wen | Marketing
Jabari Weste | Finance
Casey Whalen | Finance *
Tara White | Marketing H
Gina Wierzbicki | Marketing
Andrew Willard | Finance
Aduke Williams | Business Administration
Joanna Williams | Accounting
Julia Wilson | Finance
Michael Windover | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Christopher Winkel | Finance
Nicholas Winslow | Management ยง
Hollis Wivell | Finance
Sydney Wojeski | Management
Adrian Wojtun | Finance
Shin Woo | Marketing
Charles Wood | Finance
Kathryn Wood | Financial Management
Xinyi Wu | Accounting
Yanheng Wu | Management Information Systems
Zhiqiang Xie | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Haoran Xu | Finance
Haozhe Xu | Finance
Ruofan Xu | Finance
Adam Yaeger | Management
Yue Yan | Accounting
Ziwen Yan | Real Estate & Urban Economic
Qingya Yang | Accounting โ€ 
Xiaohan Yang | Marketing
Xinyan Yao | Accounting โ€ก
Enrique Yaya | Business Administration
Mingqi Yin | Accounting
Michael Yip | Finance
Machuan Yu | Finance
Michael Zanca | Management
Qi Zang | Finance
Benjamin Zekowski | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Andrew Zemantic | Accounting
Carlos Zepeda Jr | Digital Marketing & Analytics
Guanchen Zhang | Finance
Simin Zhang | Accounting โ€ 
Zeen Zhang | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing
Zian Zhang | Marketing โ€ก
Karina Zhao | Accounting โ€ H
Yadi Zhao | Finance
Grace Zheng | Marketing
Wenlin Zheng | Marketing
Weicong Zhou | Finance
Shanlai Zhu | Accounting
Matthew Zikovich | Finance
Rose Zimmerman | Management Information Systems ยง
Angelina Zollo | Management
Ajshe Zulfi | Health Care Management
Kristina Zumpano | Accounting
Michal Zyla | MGMT & ENGR for Manufacturing

Honors Theses

The University of Connecticut Honors Program recognizes outstanding students who have successfully completed honors courses of unusual breadth and depth, as well as a thesis or service project in their major field.

David J. Bigos, Accounting
Thesis Advisor: David Webber
โ€œThe Effect of SOX 404(b) on Large Non-Accelerated Filersโ€™ Earnings Per Share Rounding Behaviorโ€

Noah H. Burrick, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Yaacov Kopeliovich
โ€œDissecting Convertible Bonds: How Debt and Equity Combine to Valuate a Companyโ€

Ellen M. Chirikos, Management
Thesis Advisor: Kyoungjo Oh
โ€œBeing Emotionally Savvy at Work: How Stress Affects Job Satisfaction as a Function of Emotional Laborโ€

Alexander P. Dillon, Marketing
Thesis Advisor: Heidi Bailey
โ€œDeveloping a Sustainable Marketing Approach for Connecticut Environmental Action Dayโ€

Julianna S. Elmasri, Healthcare Management
Thesis Advisor: William Pace
โ€œThe Impact of Obesity on the United States Economyโ€

Alex R. Greco, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Paul Gilson
โ€œThe Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Profitability of Firms in the Banking Sectorโ€

Katie L. Hillowe, Real Estate & Urban Economics
Thesis Advisor: Jeffrey Cohen
โ€œThe Rise of Transit Oriented Developmentโ€

Weihan Li, Accounting
Thesis Advisor: Steven Utke
โ€œThe Effect of 2017 New Tax Law to Federal Governmentโ€

Ian C. MacDonald, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Alexander Amati
โ€œDoes FinTech make the Gambling Industry More Competitive?โ€

Brian T. Maher, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Michel Rakotomavo
โ€œA Study of the Green Bond Market and the Potential for U.S. Corporates to Enter as Issuersโ€

Emily McKenna, Accounting
Thesis Advisor: Arthur Schmeiser
โ€œAn Industry on the Rise: Accounting and Auditing of Cannabisโ€

Michael V. Nanfito, Accounting
Thesis Advisor: Todd Kravet
โ€œStock Buybacks and the Intentions of Executivesโ€

Caitlyn L. Pesavento, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Paul Gilson
โ€œTrusting the System: The Impact of SEC Insider Trading Complaints on Stock Pricesโ€

Robert W. Saraco, Accounting
Thesis Advisor: Alina Lerman
โ€œMarket Reaction to the Level of Detail in Initial Earnings Callsโ€

Yasmine M. Shwayhat, Management
Thesis Advisor: Kevin Thompson
โ€œThe Recovery Files: An Original Text-Based Game Created for Training at the CT Community for Addiction Recoveryโ€

Priyanka Thakkar, Management Information Systems
Thesis Advisor: Jonathan Moore
โ€œรpplication of Technical Solutions for the Betterment of Student and Campus Lifeโ€

Morgan Van Liew, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Alexander Amati
โ€œDoes Changing Investor Sentiment Drive ESG Performance?โ€

Brendan Weller, Finance
Thesis Advisor: Alexander Amati
โ€œCLOs: A Nightmarish Scenario Ahead?โ€

Tara R. White, Marketing
Thesis Advisor: Heidi Bailey
โ€œDeveloping a Sustainable Marketing Approach for CEADโ€

Karina S. Zhao, Accounting
Thesis Advisor: Ying Zhou
โ€œCorporate Social Responsibility Reporting: The Case of the Fashion Industryโ€

Four Years of Memories

  • We came in as the most diverse class in UConnโ€™s history, filled with valedictorians, salutatorians, enthusiastic students, agents of change and overall great people.
  • August 2017: UConn opens newย Hartford campus!ย 
  • August 2017: UConn Stamford debuts its first student housing with some 260 students excited to move in to state-of-the-art apartments.
  • Theย #MeToo movementย began during our college years.
  • In December 2017, entrepreneur Peter J. Werth pledged $22.5 million for entrepreneurship and innovation at UConn.
  • Students in the newly formed BCLC in Stamford visited Vineyard Vines, โ€œShark Tankโ€™โ€™ and other prominent businesses. The New York Yankees invited 34 School of Business students (from Storrs and Stamford) to an April 2018 game and to learn more about job opportunities with the club.
  • Basketball remained a UConn Husky obsession. How could we forget these players?
  • We said goodbye to President Susan Herbst and hello to President Tom Katsouleas
  • We celebrated the opening of the best Rec Center anywhere!
  • We said goodbye to some of our favorite retiring professors and hello to some new faces.
  • No one was sledding down Horsebarn Hill in January of our senior yearโ€ฆit was more like flip-flop weather. On Jan. 12, the high temp was 69 degrees!
  • We mourned the loss ofย Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi, who dreamed of playing basketball at UConn.ย 
  • Huskython 2020, our grand finale, raised a record-breaking $1.5 million for the kids at Connecticut Childrenโ€™s Medical Center.
  • The Dairy Bar served up โ€œYou Matter Cake Batterโ€™โ€™โ€”cake batter with brownie pieces and mocha fudge swirl-- as the senior scoop.
  • Every business student is adept at the strong handshake, but by March we were also versed in the โ€˜elbow bumpโ€™ greeting and had embraced โ€œsocial distancing.โ€™โ€™
  • March 30, 2020: Spring Break winds up and due to COVID-19, classes switch to an online format for the rest of the semester.
  • Throughout our time at UConn, we won awards, we helped other people, we celebrated our success, we studied (a lot), we laughed, we cried, we changed the future, we traveled the world and we became stronger than before.